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Maha Shivaratri

When is Maha Shivaratri?

March 1, 2022; this date changes each year, as it follows the Hindu calendar. In the Hindu calendar, it takes place on the 13th or 14th day in the month of Phalguna.

What is Maha Shivaratri?

Maha Shivaratri is one of the most important days for followers of Shaivism, a tradition of Hinduism that follows the Lord Shiva. Shiva is known as a destroyer – but destruction is also seen as essential to creation and rebirth. Maha Shivaratri marks the night on which Shiva danced a dance of destruction – a dance which also led to creation. Some traditions hold that this is also the day on which Shiva married his wife Parvati.

For many Hindus, Maha Shivaratri represents triumph over destruction and darkness. Devotees of Shiva will fast, pray, mediate, and leave offerings for Shiva.

Did you know . . .?

Shivaratri combines “Shiva” and “ratri” (“night”), and it literally means “night of Shiva.” There is actually a Shivaratri in each month, but Maha Shivaratri is the most important one of the year.

Want to learn more?

Many people fast on Maha Shivaratri. Here are some recipes friendly for those who are fasting.

Looking for ingredients for South Asian cooking? Below are a few local markets that sell foods and spices from the Indian subcontinent:

India Bazaar

Patel Brothers