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Arbor Day

When is Arbor Day?

March 12 (in China). From 1929, by decree of the Nationalist government, Arbor Day was changed to March 12, to commemorate the death of Sun Yat-sen, who had been a major advocate of afforestation in his life.

Various dates (in the U.S.)

What is Arbor Day?

In ancient China, there is a tradition of planting willow trees at the Qingming Festival. Arbor Day is to protect and advocate people to plant trees, encourage people to care for trees and remind people to value trees. Trees play a very important role for the survival of human beings and for the ecological environment of the earth.

Did you know . . .?

  • All U.S. states have Arbor Day, but there is no uniform date across the country due to climate differences
  • Arbor Day was first established in the United States more than 130 years ago, and was initiated by a Nebraska newspaperman on April 10, 1872.

Want to learn more?

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