Tabling Policies
Information tables may be reserved by Registered Student Organizations and University Departments in designated locations to help promote an event or program. Requests should be made at least 24 hours in advance.
Tabling Policies for all locations:
- Standing reservations are not accepted.
- The organization making the reservation must be the organization represented at the table. Organizations can’t make a reservation and allow a different organization to use the table.
- The table must be staffed by a representative of the reserving organization at all times. The representative must be a member of the Vanderbilt community (faculty, staff, student).
- The organization must display a printed sign with the organization name at all times when tabling. The sign will be provided to the organization by Student Centers upon checking out the table.
- University Departments and registered student organizations shall not use their privileges to reserve tables and “front” for a non-university group or commercial entity. Outside companies interested in recruiting students for employment may be referred to the Career Center.
- Solicitation is not permitted from any person or organization that did not reserve a table.
- Goods (food, t-shirts, etc.) may not be sold. The organization may distribute such goods with a “suggested donation” associated, but a fixed price cannot be set.
- If food is being distributed that was prepared from a non-licensed caterer, student organizations must post a sign at the table indicating this. Click this link to print the sign.
- Items may not be taped to the wall or windows without prior approval. Groups will be charged for any damage caused.
- Amplified sound is only allowed between Noon-1pm.
- In the event of inclement weather, tables will be set-up in the Sarratt Promenade as long as it is not in use.
- Cancellations must be made at least one business day in advance. Please feel free to call with any additional questions.
Tables in the atrium will be available to reserve between the hours of 7am – 11pm. Hours are subject to change and are based on building hours.
- Outdoor tables may be picked up by any member of the organization at the Commons front desk, and should be returned afterwards.
- Indoor tables are permanently set up at the base of the staircase in the atrium.
- No group may make more than five table reservations per calendar month.
- Amplified sound is permitted at low levels so as to not disturb events and classes on the 2nd and 3rd floors.
- In the event of inclement weather, patio tables will be cancelled.
Kissam STudent Center
Tables in the lobby will be available to reserve between the hours of 7am – 11pm. Hours are subject to change and are based on building hours.
- No group may make more than five table reservations per calendar month.
- Amplified sound is not allowed.
Rand Wall
Tables may only be reserved from 11am – 2 pm Monday – Friday.
- In the event of inclement weather, groups may bring their tables inside to the Sarratt Promenade if no other event is occurring on the promenade.
- A group may only reserve a table up to a maximum of 10 days per month.
- Tables are picked up from and returned to the Student Centers office (Rand 307). If a table is not picked up by 12pm, the table will become available for other student organizations to use for the day.
- Rand wall ticket sales are no longer offered.
Sarratt Promenade
Tables in the promenade will be available to reserve between the hours of 7am – 11pm. Hours are subject to change and are based on building hours.
- Existing furniture cannot be moved
- A group may reserve a table up to a maximum of 5 consecutive days.
- All programs including food will require housekeeping.