You at VU
Learn, build leadership skills and grow personally by taking advantage of the huge range of educational,social, cultural, creative and community service opportunities Vanderbilt offers.
Meet those with experiences like yours—or get to know people whose experience is completely different. Help enrich Vanderbilt’s culture of mutual support, inspiration and respect.
Care for your physical and emotional well-being to help reach your goals.
Be YOU at VU
At Vanderbilt, we’re here to support you— all aspects of you. That means helping you find your sense of belonging and providing the resources you need to succeed not only academically, but in every area of life. No matter where you’re headed, we’ll be with you every step of the way as you work toward achieving your goals.
Quick Links
Student Organizations, Leadership, and Service: Get involved on campus, support student groups and make your mark on the VU community.

Network First-Gen: Connect with other first-generation students and gain access to resources designed to help you succeed.

Student Care Network: A holistic network of health and wellness services and resources for students

You at VU Events
Frequently Asked Questions
Additional Resources
Student Mental Health Resources
For students who pay the Student Health Fee, the Student Care Network is your starting point for services and resources.