You at VU
Find professional and personal development through social engagement, cultural enrichment, and ongoing training.
Cultivate an atmosphere of support, creativity, collaboration and motivation as well as an overarching respect for others.
Care for your physical and emotional well-being to help reach your goals.
Be You at VU
At Vanderbilt, we’re here to support — all aspects of you. That means helping you find your sense of belonging and making your physical, emotional, mental health, and career-development needs our priority. Whether you're a new hire or a tenured professor, you belong here, and we're ready to support your growth as a valued member of our university community.
Quick Links
Employee Affinity Groups: Cultivate community by connecting with others who share your interests, identities, backgrounds and more.

Personify Health: This program can help you take actionable steps toward your goals by making healthy choices.

Environmental Health and Safety: Get information regarding proper training and safety protocols for chemical handling, radiation and more.

You at VU Events
Frequently Asked Questions
Additional Resources
Employee Mental Health Resources
Faculty, staff, postdocs and their families now receive expanded support through a new mental health program, Lyra.