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Introducing Jay Cavenaugh

Posted by on Thursday, September 21, 2017 in Blog.

Ambassador Spotlight

Hi, my name is Jay Cavenaugh and I am studying Product and Industrial Design through the Engineering Science program. After working here over the summer, I am continuing in a part-time capacity through the Fall 2017 semester. Since this summer, I have picked up several new projects through the Wond’ry and through my schoolwork that I would like to share.

For the Wond’ry, I am pursuing grants to fund the creation of the Sustainability Lab. The lab will serve to develop green technologies and other sustainable projects. By the end of the semester, it is my goal to secure a grant to create the space. Robert, our Executive Director, encouraged me to participate in the Wond’ry Preflight program for entrepreneurs. Through the program, I am determining the feasibility of starting an NGO to reduce food waste from Nashville restaurants. Around half of all food produced in the United States is thrown away. 40% of that food waste comes from restaurants which equates to over $60 billion thrown in the trash. By reducing the amount of food that is wasted, there are environmental benefits of reduced greenhouse gas emissions and social benefits like feeding the hungry.

In Professor Dave Owens’s Design Thinking, Design Doing class, my team just began our greenfield project for the Vanderbilt Medical Center. Because their is not an existing observation system, we have the opportunity to design an entire observation room and all of its observation systems for the Biomedical Engineering Department.

Although I am not a mechanical engineer, I opted into the Mechanical Engineering Senior Design because I like challenges. Our yearlong project is to design a 3D printer capable of converting used plastics like soda bottles into 3D printer material. I am very excited about this project because it introduces an new entirely new application for the sustainable reuse and repurposing of plastics.

If you are interested in starting a big project and do not know where to begin, come by the Wond’ry. We will put you in touch with experts who can point you in the right direction and help you along the way.

Jay Cavenaugh
Student Ambassador