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Spring 2025 Closing Information

Closing Dates

Residence Hall Closing Dates:

  • Non-Graduating Students:  Saturday, May 3 at 9AM CDT
  • May 2025 Graduating Seniors:  Saturday, May 10 at 1PM CDT

Unless approved for a move-out extension, failure to vacate by your designated closing date and time will result in late check-out charges.

Housing Extension Requests for Non-Graduating Students

Commencement week housing extensions are available to the following non-graduating students:

  • Students with a sibling graduating from Vanderbilt in May 2025

Commencement Week Extension Request:

  • Available in the Housing Portal beginning TBA

Check-Out Procedures

All students are required to properly check out of their residence hall by completing the Check-Out Form in the Housing Portal and returning their functional, university-issued room key to their designated key drop box.  Students who fail to complete their Check-Out Form forfeit the ability to appeal any potential damage charges.

Check-Out Procedures

Step 1:

  • Pack and remove all personal items.
  • Ensure all drawers, cabinets, closets, etc. are free of all personal items and trash.
  • Completely clean out refrigerators (apartments, lodges, and suites).
  • Arrange pickup and remove any rental items (Blackstar beds, Hydrodore, etc.) prior to checking out.
  • Remove your bike and/or scooter from the outdoor storage racks.  Bikes/scooters cannot be left on campus over the summer months.
  • Take all trash and recyclables to the proper outdoor receptacles.
  • Clean your space (sweep, dust, and wipe down surfaces).  Deep cleans are not required.

Step 2:

  • Complete the Check-Out Form in the Housing Portal under the Applications and Forms menu when you are ready to depart.  As part of your form, you will need to upload a photo of your vacated room.

Step 3:

  • Return your key to the key drop box in your hall lobby.
    • Failure to return a functional, university-issued key from your assigned room will result in a $125 key charge.  Keys must be returned at your time of departure.  Keys are not accepted via mail.

After your departure, staff will inspect your room and you will be contacted via email by TBA if any damage charges are assessed.

Key Return Locations

  • TBA

Housing and Residential Experience will enter spaces of students who have departed between 8AM and 10PM daily to complete room inspections.

Carts: Limited carts are available for use in each building.  After use, please return carts to their designated locations.  Carts should not be stored in student rooms or left in hallways/outside.

Mail Forwarding: Prior to departing campus, please be sure to complete a mail forwarding form located on the Mail Services website.

Move-Out Loading Areas & Traffic Information


Storage & Shipping

On-campus storage is NOT available.

Students are welcome to use any storage and shipping vendors of their choice.  All vendors must be escorted when they are in the residence halls, and all items must be removed from your space prior to your departure.

Students are responsible for coordinating and removing any rental items (Blackstar beds, Hydrodore, etc.) from their spaces PRIOR to departing.  Charges will be assessed for any items not removed.

Donations & Trash/Recycling



Trash & Recycling

Students are responsible to taking all trash and recyclables to designated disposal areas outside of their building.  Additional dumpsters will be placed around the residence halls during move out.

please check back frequently for updates.
If you have QUESTIONS, please contact your RA or Area Coordinator, or email us at