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LATTE (LAnguage Talk and Topics Exchange) is an informal conversation group for those interested in all things language-related.

The Vanderbilt University English Language Center (ELC) launched LATTE to build a cohesive and collaborative group for language enthusiasts from throughout Vanderbilt to come together and discuss research interests. The group intends to cover a wide range of language-related topics, including language-teaching pedagogy, processing and analysis of speech, using corpora in language research, innovations in speech/language intervention, literacy, psycholinguistics, and bilingual approaches to language therapy. Attendees will help to shape the schedule of topics covered throughout the semester. Sessions include paper discussions, work in progress meetings, data blitzes, and more.

LATTE will not meet in Spring 2024. Please contact one of the organizing members if you are interested in joining the LATTE listserv. 
Organizing Members 
Michelle Perdomo, PhD  
Postdoctoral Scholar 
Language Teaching Specialist 
English Language Center 
Susan M. Barone, PhD 
Director English Language Center 
Senior Lecturer, Peabody College of Education 
Sandra Bancroft-Billings, PhD
Assistant Director 
English Language Center