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congrats to our 2022 militaryvu graduates

Video Recording of the MilitaryVU Graduate Recognition Ceremony Speakers, Kacie Ryan and General Scott Brower (via Zoom)

What is MilitaryVU?

The MilitaryVU Identity Initiative expands efforts to promote the academic, personal, and professional development of Vanderbilt’s active military and veteran scholars and faculty. Through increasing the amount of services specifically for the military community, along with co-creating resources and opportunities to connect, MilitaryVU and its Network Partners aim to

  • educate the Vanderbilt community about the various realities of people in the U.S. Armed Forces
  • create community-building opportunities to increase the sense of belonging among faculty and undergraduate, graduate, professional, and post-doctoral scholars who are active military or veterans
  • develop methods of support to assist military and veteran scholars in reaching their academic goals and preparing for jobs in their respective career fields
from the bass military scholars

Read More:

  • Chiara, Nancy A., Michael Chiara, and Mary Z. Ashlock. “What is Impacting the Military-Affiliated Learner Experience in Higher Education?.” Supporting the military-affiliated learner: Communication approaches to military pedagogy & education (2020): 47-65.
  • Sikes, Deborah L., Margret G. Duran, and Myrna L. Armstrong. “Shared Lessons from Serving Military-Connected Students.” College Student Affairs Journal 38.2 (2020): 186-197.
Upcoming events

Flyer for 2022 MilitaryVU Graduation Recognition Celebration. May 10, 2022. Virtual ceremony at 1pm. In person reception at 4pm. Click image to link to AnchorLink page. Contact for more information.

RSVP to Participate by April 22nd

on-campus resources

Military @ Vanderbilt: quick links to military-related news and events, resources, and programs

Veterans Educational Benefits: information about what to consider and how to apply for VA educational benefits

  • Click here for specific details on how to apply for VA Educational Benefits

Bass Military Scholars Program: a cohort-model resource for military scholars in degree programs within the following schools:

Student Organizations

local organizations

The following groups offer many and various resources and services to active military, veterans, and their families in the middle Tennessee area.

Operation Stand Down Tennessee

Fort Campbell

Tennessee Department of Veterans Services

Hope and Healing at Hillenglade

REBOOT Combat Recovery Support Group

Wounded Warrior Project