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Intercalary Days

Intercalary Days

In support of Vanderbilt staff, students, faculty and postdocs, this information is offered as a resource about the Bahá’í observance of the Intercalary Days.

February 26, 2019-March 1, 2019

History and Meaning

Download a PDF of this toolkit

Intercalary days, which fall between the last two months of the Badí’ calendar, are for the Baha’i festival Ayyami-i-Ha, which celebrates the Divine Essence of God. The festival can last four or five days, depending on the timing of the vernal equinox. It is often celebrated with the giving and exchanging of small gifts and acts of charity or humanitarian projects. Ayyami-i-Ha is a joyous occasion that celebrates God and prepares Bahá’ís for a fast that follows.

Typical Observances

  • This holiday is celebrated with the exchange of small gifts.
  • Those observing this festival will perform acts of charity or participate in humanitarian projects in honor of God.

Tips for Supporting the Vanderbilt Community

  • Those observing the holiday may participate in charity or humanitarian work. Ask how you can support them in this observance.
  • While students are not automatically excused from class for this observance, they may work with their faculty members to make accommodations. Graduate and professional students must refer to their own school and departmental vacation policies and calendars for more specific information.
  • Staff members may request paid time off to celebrate. Support their preference to take leave for their religious observance.

Resources for Managing Well-Being and Mental Health

People feel many types of emotions during the holidays—joy, peace, stress and depression, to name a few. Whatever you feel, know you are not alone, and Vanderbilt has resources to help you through these challenges.

Faculty, Staff and Postdocs
Work/Life Connections-EAP
(615) 936-1327

Office of Student Care Coordination
(615) 343-9355

For More Information

Please contact Equity, Diversity and Inclusion at For more information on the university’s policy on religious holy days and observances, contact the Office of the University Chaplain & Religious Life, at or Human Resources at