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Congrats to March STARS!

Posted by on Thursday, March 31, 2016 in archives.

STARS card is about showing your fellow DOS staff that you noticed the work they do and you are taking a moment to thank them! Twenty-seven individuals were recognized this month for their outstanding contributions:

Alison Matarese– “your efforts to expand gender neutral housing at Vanderbilt.”
Aubree Adams-leading the transition from Office Biz to Adirondack’s THE Housing Director. This will be a huge boon to our students.”
Brittany Olsen– “Thank you for consistently being prompt with answering our calls and emails. We appreciate your attention to detail, team spirit, and overall helpfulness as we respond to client requests for services in a timely manner. The Office of Conferences appreciates you!”
Cara Tuttle Bell– “your efforts to make the Project Safe Center a confidential resource.”
Chris Purcell– “your efforts to expand gender neutral housing options”
Eda Shorette– “your collaboration with DOS finance team and with the department.”                                                     Eileen Remley-“for your work on the graduate assistant hiring process!”
Elver Jones-“being a part of the Housing coffee vendor transition team. I really appreciated your support and involvement, especially during the hectic Spring assignments.”
Faith Aiken– “your help and dedication during the Housing coffee vendor transition. Your determination and positive attitude throughout the process didn’t go unnoticed and I thank you for all your hard work!”
GL Black– “your efforts to make the Project Safe Center a confidential resource.”
Greg Swanson-“your work with rolling out the ONE Card and your collaboration with the department and student orgs.”
Gretchen Person-“all you did last week, for the Taylor Force Memorial!”
Holly Jones– “presenting at the Tennessee Service Conference, and for all your amazing support for everyone in OACS, you are a real star!”
Jason Steinas-“your thorough research to inform the work of the Center for Student Wellbeing.”
Jordan Hajacos– “Thank you for your time, creativity, and energy you put in to our new Meet at Vanderbilt website in partnership with Jessica Posey. The site looks AMAZING! We appreciate your ideas and collaboration on this project.”
Jorge Wellman-“your deft handling of the student crowd at the end of the UT basketball game.   Well done!”
Kerrie Turney-“your brilliant work managing the student crow at the UT basketball game!”
Kristin Torrey– “your tireless and patient work with IFC, PHC, and NPHC students addressing the Greek Life Task Force report.”
Laura Walaszek– “Thank you for all of the improvements and hard work with the GA program this year. Thanks for making our lives easier (it is an absolute pleasure working with you)!”
Lauren Moon– “preparing an amazing Alumni Engagement Strategy, it is a superlative piece of work with huge impact potential!”
Linda Marks– “the amazing designs you do for us!  We appreciate you!”
Liv Parks– “all you do on behalf of our valuable students.”
Mark Leners– “your attention to detail and willingness to take on new roles.”
Martha Harris– “checking appliance prices, finding a great deal, working with the vendor on delivery and payment and following up on everything needed with transition.”
Matt Sinclair– “leading the RA selection process which had remarkable results.”
Melissa Looby– “preparing a social media strategy, you will impact on the way in which OACS uses its social media.”
Mindy Ireland– “providing excellent assistance to our Student Accountability staff.”
Sarah Jordan Welch– “stepping up while Project Safe was short-staffed and providing excellent, thorough, and compassionate care to our students.”