Insights Series
The Insights Series provides short, pithy analyses of policy-relevant data collected by LAPOP Lab. The studies are written mainly by LAPOP Lab scholars and students. The series includes four types of reports:
Insights - In-depth analyses reports at the regional level that look at the individual level predictors, both sociodemographic and political, of key survey questions from the AmericasBarometer.
Topical Briefs - Short reports that give survey data insights from the AmericasBarometer related to contemporary sociopolitical events at the regional and country levels.
Methodological Notes - Reports that provide a look “under the hood” of the survey methodologies implemented in the AmericasBarometer project.
Spotlights (Now available!) - Quick snapshots of survey items from the AmericasBarometer across Latin America and Caribbean countries and across time.
These reports are used by journalists, policy makers and scholars world-wide. Subscribe for free here!
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IO874: Who Trusts the Mass Media in Latin America?
Author: Layton, Matthew L.
Released: March 5, 2012
English Link Spanish Link
IO873: Pigmentocracy in the Americas: How is Educational Attainment Related to Skin Color?
Authors: Telles, Edward; Steele, Liza
Released: February 20, 2012
English Link Spanish Link
IO872: To Bribe or Not to Bribe?
Author: Plata, Juan Camilo
Released: February 6, 2012
English Link Spanish Link
IO871: Why are There More Partisans in Some Countries than in Others?
Author: Pereira, Frederico Batista
Released: January 23, 2012
English Link Spanish Link
IO870: Who Consumes News Media in Latin America and the Caribbean?
Author: Maldonado, Arturo
Released: January 9, 2012
English Link Spanish Link
IO869: Democracy in Hard Times: Venezuela
Author: Rodríguez, Mariana
Released: November 21, 2011
English Link Spanish Link
IO868: Political Knowledge Levels across the Urban-Rural Divide in Latin America and the Caribbean
Author: Pereira, Frederico Batista
Released: November 7, 2011
English Link Spanish Link
IO867: Political Tolerance in the Americas: Should Regime Critics be Allowed to Vote?
Authors: Edwards, Michael; Marden, Libby; Wang, Judy; Zarecky, Alexandra; Rodríguez, Mariana
Released: October 24, 2011
English Link Spanish Link
IO866: Social Assistance Policies and the Presidential Vote in Latin America
Authors: Layton, Matthew L.; Smith, Amy Erica
Released: October 10, 2011
English Link Spanish Link
IO865: Political Efficacy in the Americas
Authors: Borowski, Heather; Reed, Rebecca; Scholl, Lucas; Webb, David; Corral, Margarita
Released: August 29, 2011
English Link Spanish Link