Audition/Placement Assessment

The Vanderbilt Athletic Bands accept all persons willing to put in the effort to make the band successful. The purpose of the Placement Assessment is to make sure everyone is placed in a role that allows for success without undue stress. The Athletic Bands move quickly, and we understand that our members are students. Every year, we have members who have never marched before and quickly become valuable members.


Spirit of Gold Marching Band

  • Woodwinds & Brass

    Woodwind & Brass players should submit a video (cell phone works well) of themselves playing the following...

    • 2 Scales (of your choosing)
    • 1 Chromatic Scale (demonstrating your full range)
    • 1 Etude/Excerpt/Piece of Music (approx. 2 minutes in length)

    Each component may be a separate video, so attempt as many takes as you need to produce your best work.

    Upload the videos to your favorite platform (YouTube, Vimeo, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.) and submit links to your video(s) using the link above.

    The deadline to submit Placement Assessments for the 2024 Spirit of Gold is August 1st, 2024.

    If you do not have an instrument available to you, please contact Dr. Morin and we will work out alternate arrangements.

    Those who do not submit a recording will be placed in an alternate role until the Placement Assessment is complete.

    * If you are a returning member of the Spirit of Gold, you do not need to submit a placement assessment.

    ** You may use a flute if a piccolo is unavailable, a horn if a mellophone is unavailable, or a tuba if a sousaphone is unavailable.

  • Drumline

    The Spirit of Gold Drumline will hold placement assessments at the start of band camp. Contact us here to request more information and materials.

    The Drumline holds preparatory virtual sessions to help interested individuals prepare materials.

  • Colorguard

    The Spirit of Gold Guard will hold placement assessments at the start of band camp. Contact us here to request more information and materials.

  • Twirlers

    Contact the Spirit of Gold Staff here to request more information.


Anchor of Sound Basketball Band

  • Woodwinds, Brass, Bass, & Keyboard

    Woodwind & Brass players should submit a video (cell phone works well) of yourself playing the following...

    Each component may be a separate video, so attempt as many takes as you need to produce your best work.

    Upload the videos to your favorite platform (YouTube, Vimeo, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.) and submit links to your video(s) using the link above.

    The deadline to submit Placement Assessments for the 2023 Anchor of Sound is October 25th, 2023.

    If you do not have an instrument available to you, please contact Dr. Morin and we will work out alternate arrangements.

    Those who do not submit a recording will be placed in an alternate role until the Placement Assessment is complete.

    * If you are a returning member of the Anchor of Sound, you do not need to submit a placement assessment.

    ** You may use a flute if a piccolo is unavailable, a horn if a mellophone is unavailable, or a tuba if a sousaphone is unavailable.

  • Drum Kit

    Drum Kit players should submit a video (cell phone works well) of yourself playing the following...

    Each component may be a separate video, so attempt as many takes as you need to produce your best work.

    Upload the videos to your favorite platform (YouTube, Vimeo, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.) and submit links to your video(s) using the link above.

    The deadline to submit Placement Assessments for the 2023 Anchor of Sound is October 25th, 2023.

    If you do not have an instrument available to you, please contact Dr. Morin and we will work out alternate arrangements.

    Those who do not submit a recording will be placed in an alternate role until the Placement Assessment is complete.

    * If you are a returning member of the Anchor of Sound, you do not need to submit a placement assessment.

Bass Drum

Dore Slam Drumline

  • Snare, Tenor, Bass, & Cymbals

    Attend the in-person Part Placement Session.

    During the Part Placement Session, you will play through various exercises and cadences as an ensemble. Members may be moved around to different instruments throughout the session to find the best fit for each member of the ensemble.

    This in-person session is typically held in November-December.