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First-Year Writers: Submit your work for the Henrietta Morgan Memorial Award!

Posted by on Thursday, March 17, 2016 in News, News & Events.

Each year the Writing Studio conducts the competition for the Henrietta Morgan Memorial Award for first-year writers. Established by William Morgan in memory of his wife, the award goes to the first-year student who submits the best sample of original writing. The winning student’s name will appear in the commencement program.

In spring 2016, the deadline for submissions is Friday, April 8.

Submissions need not have been written for a “W” class or for any class. There are no restrictions as to length, type of writing, or subject matter (although all submissions must be in English).

Students may submit papers written as class assignments, or they may write papers especially for this contest. Poems, short stories, critical essays, research papers, articles of opinion, or expository essays are all acceptable.

Find out more by following this link!

You can also see who won last year: Announcement of the 2015 Morgan Award Winners