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Videos: Accommodations & more


Neurodiversity-Appropriate Workplace Accommodations

Frist Center associate director and self-advocate Dave Caudel has created a video explaining the various challenges an autistic adult might face in the workforce, and discussing the accommodations that can be provided to those employees. You can watch the video by clicking play below, or following this link to Youtube.


Webinar on Autism, Employment & COVID-19

The Autism Science Foundation (ASF) hosted a webinar in April on autism, employment, and COVID-19. Panelists Becca Lory Hector, Paul Morris, and Vanderbilt’s own Julie Lounds Taylor discussed employment challenges for autistic adults and answered questions about gaining, maintaining, and changing employment during the pandemic. You can watch the webinar at this link!


Supporting the Career Development of Neurodiverse Students Webinar

If you are helping guide one or more autistic students through the career consideration/search process, this resource may be helpful. Watch the 1-hr webinar here!