Seeking an Autism Diagnosis
The Frist Center for Autism and Innovation is not licensed to provide medical diagnoses and cannot advise on whether seeking a diagnosis is the right decision for you. This page includes resources and information about obtaining a diagnosis that you may find helpful.
Why Obtain a Diagnosis?
There are several reasons to pursue a formal diagnosis, including personal validation, workplace accommodations, access to government resources, and improved relationships. This blog post by FCAI Associate Director Dave Caudel, featured on TennesseeWorks, explores these reasons in more detail.

Accessing the employment support for autistic adults provided by the Frist Center for Autism and Innovation and our partners is a journey we're here to support. Having a formal diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder or another neurodivergence can make this process easier. In some cases, adults with an existing diagnosis may need a recent report signed by a licensed and certified professional.
How to Obtain a Diagnosis?
If you are a Vanderbilt student, we recommend contacting the on-campus University Counseling Center, which provides access to Psychological Assessment Services. Students can access a referral through a provider or self-refer through the Student Care Network. Finally, students may find it helpful to speak to a medical professional at the Student Health Center. Information for parents of students regarding the Student Health Center can be found here.
If you live in Tennessee, Autism Tennessee, a nonprofit that serves both children and adults on the spectrum, keeps a running list of service providers in middle Tennessee who specialize in providing diagnoses for autism. To learn more, please visit the Autism Tennessee website and contact them by phone or email.
If you are outside Tennessee, the best first step is to contact your primary care provider to seek a referral.
There is a wealth of resources online that can support you in self-identifying as neurodivergent if you choose not to pursue a formal diagnosis. We do not advocate for a specific choice, but we encourage you to exercise caution in choosing an internet provider, to assure they are licensed and understand neurodivergence. A resource some of our visitors have found helpful is Embrace Autism. This Canada-based practice provides free access to many vetted psychometric tests and resources, empowering you to take control of your journey.