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FCAI Project Coordinator, Jessica Schonhut-Stasik, is Guest on Square Pegs Podcast

Posted by on Friday, May 26, 2023 in FCAI News.

“Square Pegs,” is a thought-provoking podcast with engaging content and insightful discussions, surrounding the experiences of neurodiverse graduate students. With a keen focus on promoting diversity and inclusivity, Arash Zaghi brings together a wide range of guests who challenge societal norms and share their unique perspectives.

On the latest episode of Square Pegs, Arash interviews the Frist Center’s Program Manager, Jessica Schonhut-Stasik on her experiences as a doctoral candidate in Astronomy, and the Program Manager at FCAI.

You can listen to Square Pegs on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, whatever you get your podcasts, or using the widget below.