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International Students

Fall International Student Orientation

International Student Orientation (ISO) is required for all international first-year undergraduates. International transfer students and domestic students currently living abroad are also welcome to attend, but it is not required. If you would like to participate, please email by July 14, 2025. New international graduate students should consult with their individual programs and departments for an orientation schedule. After International Student Orientation, first-year international students will also participate in the required CommonVU Orientation. 


If you or one of your guests require accommodations to participate fully in International Student Orientation or CommonVU Orientation, please contact us at or (615) 322-4948. As much notice as possible is appreciated.

Resources for Support

To learn more about the resources available to international students and things to keep in mind before you arrive, please participate in our summer webinar series. The webinar schedule and information on how to join is available on the Summer Communications webpage.

International Student Move-In, Housing, and Dining

Vanderbilt International students listen during the International Student Orientation Welcome Address in the SLC Ballroom.
Thursday Aug. 15, 2024, in Nashville, TN.

International undergraduate move-in will take place on Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2025. Students who move in during this time or throughout this week before the domestic Move-In Day must participate in International Student Orientation. For more information on move-in, visit the Housing and Residential Experience website

Check your Vanderbilt email address for all updates regarding your arrival to campus. The deadline to complete the International Student Pre-Arrival Form via the Housing Portal will be announced in late spring 2025. With questions about your housing assignment, please contact Housing Assignments.

Parent & Family Programs

Parents and families are invited to participate in move-in and orientation. The orientation schedule will flag special events for parents and families. If you plan to bring guests to orientation, please be sure to indicate who they are on the Pre-Arrival Form in the Housing Portal. Parents and families are also encouraged to connect with the Vanderbilt Parents and Family Programs Office for additional support. Parents can also find support by calling the Parent Helpline at (877) 887-2736 or emailing

International Orientation Leaders

International Leader Orientation EOY Celebration occurs in E. Bronson Ingram Great Room.

iLEAD is a student organization composed of International Orientation Leaders (IOLs). IOLs provide support, guidance, and fun to incoming first-year international undergraduate students during International Student Orientation. Over the summer, you will be assigned an IOL who will reach out and offer support as you prepare to come to campus. To learn more about the iLEAD organization, visit their organization page. You can also follow iLEAD on Instagram @vu_ilead.

To assist you with making this transition, all incoming international students will be assigned to one of 20+ International Orientation Groups. These groups – each of which is comprised of approximately 10 international students – meet throughout International Student Orientation. International Orientation Groups help you form connections and support networks as you establish and navigate your new life at Vanderbilt.

Each International Orientation Group is led by one IOL. IOLs work collaboratively with Transfer Student Leaders and VUceptors to welcome all new undergraduate students to campus each year.