AlcoholEdu for New Students
AlcoholEdu for New Students
All first-year and transfer students are required to complete AlcoholEdu for College- an online, non-judgmental, science-based comprehensive alcohol misuse prevention course.
Students: To access the program for students, please go to
1. Log in with your VUnetID and e-Password
2. Click the AlcoholEdu link
Semester Deadline:
The course includes three surveys, in which all responses are confidential. The university will only receive information about the student body as a whole and will never see individual student answers.
Students who fail to complete the AlcoholEdu program with a passing grade will be referred to the Office of Student Accountability, Community Standards, & Academic Integrity.
AlcoholEdu for Parents
Parent’s Login to complete the student version of AlcoholEdu and
registration code: p221999p
Click “I’m a Student” to Register! (This will register you for BOTH AlcoholEdu and Haven)
If you have questions or other requests, please send an email to