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Courtesy of Ben Woods

Brochure By ID

CET Jordan: Intensive Language


Program terms: Fall, Spring
Restrictions: Vanderbilt applicants only
Type of Program: Study Center/University Hybrid
Costs: Budget Sheets
Academic Calendar: Similar to VU
Key Dates:
Term Application Deadline Program Dates

This study center/direct university enrollment hybrid program is designed to build Arabic language proficiency through an intensive course curriculum. Students will take nine hours of language courses along with up to three electives. 

Students live in shared apartments with other CET students as well as a local Jordanian roommate who help them settle into life in Amman.

Eligible program students should have completed two semesters of college-level Arabic. 


For more information, visit program homepage.

Fact Sheet

Housing: Apartment (shared)
Minimum GPA: 3
Language of Instruction: Arabic, English
Language prerequisite: Yes
Additional prerequisites: N/A
Costs: Budget Sheets
Student contacts: Peer alumni

Photo: Courtesy of Ben Woods

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