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Seminar Series Spring 2025

We are really excited for our upcoming Donation button with gold background - support our seminar series seminars. Below is a table of speakers with external links. Recordings will be made available when possible. To join our mailing list for speaker updates and other evolutionary studies content go to this page and follow the instructions for joining. The table is upcoming or recent talks. Note: the list below is subject to change and may not be final.

SpeakerInstitutionDate TopicPlace and Time
Antonis RokasVanderbilt University - ESI Director2025 01/13Celebrating the Centennial of the Scopes "Monkey" Trial at VanderbiltMRBIII 1220 - 4pm
Jerome de GrootVanderbilt University & the University of Manchester2025 01/17History and Genetics - Journal ClubMRBIII 1220 - 3:30pm
Richard DawkinsUniversity of Oxford2025 02/11Darwin DayLangford Auditorium - 6:00pm
Judge John E. Jones III Dickinson College2025 02/25J.T. Scopes LectureTBA
Paul KochUniversity of California, Santa Cruz2025 04/16Earth DayTBA

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