Stay in the Know With Your Chapter!
To receive event invitations and news for your city be sure to update your email and address in VUconnect and don't forget to connect on Facebook and Instagram.
Welcome to the Chattanooga Vanderbilt Chapter! With more than 1,300 alumni in this area we have a great community of 'Dores. Whether you are new to the area, or have called it home for years, the Chattanooga Chapter is a great way to reconnect with old Vandy friends and meet new ones. Our chapter events have included lectures from Vanderbilt professors about such hot topics as health care reform ; meetings at the Hanover Gallery and "An Artful Event"; monthly social hours; and cheering on the 'Dores at various sporting events. Our chapter is open to anyone associated with the Vanderbilt community, including alumni, spouses, students, parents, friends and faculty. Interested in joining the email list to receive more information on upcoming events in our area? Be sure your email and mailing addresses are current on VUconnect. You can also join us on Facebook. I hope to see you at a future event.
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To receive event invitations and news for your city be sure to update your email and address in VUconnect and don't forget to connect on Facebook and Instagram.