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Data Science Minor Requirements

Please refer to the current undergraduate catalog for full requirements. If any discrepancy exists between the requirements below and those listed in the undergraduate catalog, requirements in the catalog always prevail.

Introduction to Data Science (3 hours)

 DS 1000   Data Science: How Data Shape Our World

DS 1000 is an introduction to data science and provides a broad overview of data science applications and techniques. As an introductory course, students are highly encouraged to take DS 1000 early in their academic careers, and should not depend on enrollment in this course in their senior year.

Students who are currently enrolled in or have already taken DS 3100 or PSCI 2300 may also request substitutions which will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Please fill out the DS 1000 substitution form here for consideration. Email if you have questions and for substitution approvals.

Computer Programming (3 hours)

One of the following (see also What Programming Course To Take?):

 DS 1100   Applied Programming and Problem Solving with Python
 CS 1100   Applied Programming and Problem Solving with Python
 CS 2201   Program Design and Data Structures (prereq: CS 1101)
 CS 2204    Program Design and Data Structures for Scientific Computing (prereq: CS 1104)

Introduction to Statistics (3 hours)

One of the following:

 DS 2100   Statistics for Data Science
 BME 2400   Quantitative Methods I: Statistical Analysis
 BSCI 3270   Statistical Methods in Biology
 CE 3300   Risk, Reliability, and Resilience Engineering
 ECON 1500   Economic Statistics
 ECON 1510   Intensive Economic Statistics
 MATH 2810   Probability and Statistics for Engineering
 MATH 2821   Introduction to Applied Statistics
 PSY 2100   Quantitative Methods
 PSY-PC 2110   Introduction to Statistical Analysis
 SOC 2100   Statistics for Social Scientists

Data Science Fundamentals (4 hours)

 DS 3100   Fundamentals of Data Science

Machine Learning (3 hours)

One of the following:

 DS 3262   Applied Machine Learning
 CS 3262   Applied Machine Learning
 CS 4262   Foundations of Machine Learning
 ECON 3750   Econometrics for Big Data
 MATH 3670   Mathematical Data Science

Elective (3 hours)

One course from the list of electives below.

Electives in data science are courses with various combinations of computation, visualization, simulation, statistics, psychometrics, and/or machine learning aimed at understanding and explaining data in the physical, life, or social sciences, engineering, arts, or the humanities, or courses that examine the impact of data on society and its institutions. Students and faculty are encouraged to petition for new courses with data science content to be considered as electives for the minor.

A. Intermediate / Advanced Programming, Modeling, Simulation


ASTR 3800  Structure Formation in the Universe
BME 4310  Modeling Living Systems for Therapeutic Bioengineering
BSCI 3271 Programming for Biologists
CHBE 4830
Molecular Simulation
CHEM 5410  Molecular Modeling Methods
CHEM 5420  Computational Structural Biochemistry
EES 4760  Agent and Individual Based Computational Modeling
MATH 3660 Mathematical Modeling in Economics
ME 4271  Fundamentals of Robotic Manipulators
ME 4284  Modeling and Simulation of Dynamic Systems
ME 4263  Computational Fluid Dynamics and Multiphysics Modeling
ME 4275  Finite Element Analysis
PHYS 3790  Computational Physics
PSY 4218  Computational Cognitive Modeling
PSY 4219  Scientific Computing for Psychological and Brain Sciences
PSY 4775  Models of Memory
SC 3250  Scientific Computing Toolbox
SC 3260  High Performance Computing

B. Intermediate / Advanced Probability, Statistics, and Data Analysis


 ASTR 8070  Astrostatistics
 BIOS 6311  Principles of Modern Biostatistics
 BIOS 6312  Modern Regression Analysis
 BIOS 6341  Fundamentals of Probability
 BIOS 6342  Contemporary Statistical Inference
 BIOS 7362  Advanced Statistical Inference and Statistical Learning
 BIOS 8366  Advanced Statistical Computing
 BME 4420  Quantitative and Functional Imaging
 BSCI 5890 Special Topics in Biological Sciences: Big Data for Biologists (Offered Spring 2024)
 CE 4320  Data Analytics for Engineers
 CSET 3410 Telling Stories with Data
 ECON 3032 Applied Econometrics
 ECON 3035  Econometric Methods
 ECON 3330  Economics of Risk
 ECON 4050  Topics in Econometrics
 EES 3310  Global Climate Change
 MATH 3640  Probability
 MATH 3641  Mathematical Statistics
 MATH 4650  Financial Stochastic Processes
 PPS 3200 Research Methods for Public Policy Analysis
 PSCI 2310 Understanding Policy Data: Analysis and Interpretation
 PSCI 3249 American Public Opinion and American Politics
 PSCI 3893 Selected Topics in American Government – Media & Data in American Politics
 PSY 4220  Bayesian Cognitive Modeling
 PSY-PC 2120  Statistical Analysis
 PSY-PC 3722  Psychometric Methods
 PSY-PC 3724  Psychometrics
 PSY-PC 3738  Introduction to Item Response Theory
 PSY-PC 3743  Factor Analysis
 PSY-PC 3749  Applied Nonparametric Statistics
 PSY-GS 8867  Multivariate Statistics (formerly PSY-PC 3746)
 PSY-PC 3737  Structural Equation Modeling
 PSY-PC 3732  Latent Growth Curve Modeling
 PSY-PC 3727  Modern Robust Statistical Methods
 PSY-PC 7878  Statistical Consulting

C. Machine Learning, Visualization, Data Science


ANTH 3050 Selected Topics: A.I. and Material Culture (Offered Fall 2023)
ANTH 3261 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing
ANTH 3867 Digital Archaeology
ASTR 8080 Data Mining in Large Astronomical Surveys
BME 3890 Computational Genomics
BME 4420 Quantitative and Functional Imaging
BMIF 6310 Foundations of Bioinformatics
BMIF 6315 Methodological Foundations of Biomedical Informatics
BMIF 7380 Data Privacy in Biomedicine
BSCI 3272 Genome Science
CS 3265 Introduction to Database Management Systems
CS 3891 Special Topics: Social Network Analysis
CS 3892 Projects in Machine Learning
CS 4260 Artificial Intelligence
CS 4266 Topics in Big Data
CS 4267 Deep Learning
CS 6362 Advanced Machine Learning
CS 8395 Visual Analytics & Machine Learning
CS 8395 Special Topics – Selected Topics in Deep Learning
DS 3891
Special Topics in Data Science – Intro to Generative Artificial
ECE 4363 Applied Statistical Machine Learning
ECE 4354 Computer Vision
ECON 3750 Econometrics for Big Data
HIST 1590 Artificial Intelligence and Society
MATH 3130 Fourier Analysis
MATH 3670 Mathematical Data Science
MATH 4620 Linear Optimization
MATH 4630 Nonlinear Optimization
MHS 3890 Special Topics – Introduction to Data Visualization
NSC 3270 Computational Neuroscience
PSY-PC 3751 Exploratory and Graphical Data Analysis
PSY-PC 7500-03 Special Topics Psychology and Human Development-Neural Network Models of Cog Dev (Offered Spring 2024)
SOC-3242 AI in Social Systems

D. Research Hours in Data Science

DS 3850 Undergraduate Research in Data Science

Students electing the undergraduate minor in Data Science must follow academic regulations regarding minors in their home school, including but not limited to regulations regarding unique hours. Additional credit hours in Data Science that must be earned because of college-specific regulations regarding unique hours must be earned by taking additional courses chosen from the list of electives.

If you have questions about the Data Science Minor or Immersion opportunities in data science, please email us at