
The undergraduate Commencement ceremony at GEODIS Park is a ticketed event.  

Here’s what you need to know for now:

  • Instructions and a link to claim tickets will be sent in the next few weeks.
  • Each graduating student is allotted up to eight tickets.
  • Additional tickets may be requested, and instructions for making requests will be shared in the next few weeks.
  • All tickets are digital and administered by GEODIS Park/Nashville SC.
  • Tickets are free of charge and are general admission; there will be no assigned seating the day of the event.


  • Is there an option to receive a physical ticket?

    All tickets will be digital and accessible only through a mobile device.

  • What if a guest doesn’t have a mobile device?

    Their ticket would need to be assigned to someone who does have a mobile device, and they would enter together. Multiple tickets can be on one device.

  • I forgot my device or wasn’t able to claim tickets, can I get tickets day on Commencement day?

    Yes. A will-call window will be open with a limited number of tickets available for guests who aren’t able to reserve tickets ahead of time.  Please have ID ready to present.