Dialogue Vanderbilt Resources

Look back at recent Dialogue Vanderbilt events you may have missed and explore resources related to free expression.

In the Spotlight

A Conversation with Rabbi David Wolpe

Dialogue Vanderbilt recently hosted an insightful fireside chat between Rabbi David J. Wolpe and Vanderbilt Divinity School Dean Yolanda Pierce. The Jan. 18 event was part of a series organized by Dialogue Vanderbilt that aims to foster open discussions about faith and how it influences people dealing with pressing societal issues. 

Dialogue Vanderbilt Events

A Conversation Hosted by Dialogue Vanderbilt: Bret Stephens in Discussion with Samar Ali

Dialogue Vanderbilt: A Year in Review

Open Dialogue Visiting Fellows: Safe Spaces and Dangerous Words with Sigal Ben-Porath

A Conversation with Salam Al Marayati

Dialogue with Diplomats - Ukraine

A Conversation with Don Abram

Leading the Conversation

  • 4 Reasons Universities Should Practice Institutional Neutrality

    Chancellor Diermeier's most recent Forbes piece on the uses for institutional neutrality on college campuses.

    Read the Article

  • How to Combat Tribalism on Campus

    Chancellor Diermeier's latest piece in the “Chronicle of Higher Education” highlights the importance of free expression on campus and what universities can do to protect it.

    Read the Article

  • Principled Neutrality

    The Chancellor's “Inside Higher Ed” OpEd explores why university leaders should refrain from commenting on political matters to protect free speech and their institutions’ missions.

    Read the OpEd

  • Debrief with Diermeier: Chancellor Draws Line on Principled Neutrality

    The Vanderbilt Hustler's interview with the Chancellor, published Oct. 30, 2023 highlights his emphasis on principled neutrality and the challenges of maintaining a balanced approach in university leadership.

    Read the Interview

  • Universities Must Uphold Institutional Neutrality to Allow for Debate

    In Chancellor Diermeier's OpEd and interview with The Tennessean from Nov. 7, 2023, he shares his perspective on institutional neutrality, emphasizing the importance of open debate and discourse on controversial topics, such as the Israel-Hamas war, within the university setting.

    Read the OpEd

  • What to Do When the Principles of Free Speech Are Tested

    In the Times Higher Education's interview with Chancellor Diermeier from Oct. 26, 2023, Chancellor Diermeier discusses strategies for navigating challenges to the principles of free speech on campuses, examining the complexities and considerations involved in maintaining open discourse within higher education.

    Listen to the Podcast

  • The Free Speech Recession and How to Reverse It

    Jacob Mchangama opened Chautauqua Institution’s week on “Freedom of Expression, Imagination, and the Resilience of Democracy,” providing a detailed defense for free speech.

    Watch the Speech

  • Anti-Blasphemy Laws Are Great for Tyrants, but Terrible for Dissidents

    In this Daily Beast OpEd from Nov. 11, 2023, Jacob Mchangama argues that anti-blasphemy laws, while beneficial for tyrannical regimes, pose a significant threat to dissent and free expression.

    Read the OpEd

See What's Next

Upcoming Events

Dozens of events designed to explore free speech and civil discourse are hosted each semester by Dialogue Vanderbilt’s affiliated programs.