Contact Vanderbilt Cybersecurity
- This service assesses devices, software, websites, and other technologies for weaknesses that could be exploited by a malicious user.
- This service should be leveraged when deploying a new technology on the Vanderbilt network, or in the event of concern of newly discovered weaknesses.
- To request this service, please submit a help request at and provide the following information:
- Device Type
- Device point of contact
- Device IP and MAC address (if available)
- Requested assessment type: Credentialed (must provide ‘root/admin’ privilege level credential) or non-Credentialed (generic network-based vulnerability scan)
Not sure how to start?
Get in touch if you don’t know where to begin, you can’t find the guidance needed on the website, or if you just want to learn more. The Office of Cybersecurity has subject matter expertise and is here for Vanderbilt community to discuss security questions or concerns.