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Glenn Merchant: A Red Wheel Barrow Opening June 9, 2016 in Space 204

Posted by on Sunday, June 5, 2016 in News and Events.

Glenn Merchant is an artist that lives and works in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. He was born in Chicago and had the opportunity to visit the Museum of the Art Institute quiet often during childhood. The exposure to some of the great artworks caused his decision as a teenager to become an artist. When his family moved to a farm in Tennessee he really enjoyed the outdoors and took the natural world as subject matter. He decided to pursue a degree in fine arts at Middle Tennessee State University in painting and sculpture. While at school Glenn also had a minor in English and poetry. He believes that visual artists should experience life to the fullest and expose themselves to a wide verity of creative experiences. To quote Mark Twain “nothing so liberalizes a man and expands the kindly instincts that nature put in him as travel and contact with many kinds of people”. Glenn believes that travelling and experiencing the world is essential for the creative spirit. He is also an avid reader of the works of Ernest Hemingway as well as the writing of the Beat and Imagist poets. Currently his work is focused on subject matter that is in his daily live. As he likes to say, content is under your feet.

After university Glenn was given the opportunity to be the art handler for the Zimmerman Saturn Gallery in downtown Nashville. Later he joined with the Robinson Willis gallery in Hillsboro Village as curator. He currently owns Moxie Art Supply in downtown Murfreesboro. Glenn is active in his studio every day making paintings, drawings and sculptures.