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University Worship Starting on Campus

Posted by on Monday, January 12, 2015 in News.

The Office of the University Chaplain and Religious Life has started a University Worship that will happen monthly throughout the school year on the second Monday of the month.

Finding the commonality in us all and building community here at Vanderbilt, we will come together celebrating our various faiths here on campus. Rather than trying to fit everyone in to one ecumenical service, we will be celebrating the manner in which we all commonly worship a higher power by having FOUR faith traditions meeting in FOUR separate activities at the same time in the Divinity School, then gathering together for a reception after.

At 5:30pm we will have a Christian gathering in Benton Chapel, a Jewish gathering in Tillet Lounge, a Muslim gathering in All Faith Chapel, and a Hindu gathering in G-29. Each gathering will take on a different shape, sometimes changing from month to month depending on what students desire, at times being prayer centered, discussions, scripture readings, meditation, or otherwise. After the various groups have met for about 30 minutes, OUCRL will host a gathering in the Divinity School’s Reading Room for some refreshments and fellowship.

This will be an ongoing gathering that we hope will help us see the commonality among us all and break down the barriers between us. Come out to this special opportunity and join in a faith tradition that you are familiar with, or visit one that you are curious about.