Rapid-Advancement MicroGrant Program (RAMP)

Program Information

RAMP awards are designed for smaller-scale funding opportunities that require a rapid response, allowing faculty to innovate in the moment and to seize strategic and time-sensitive opportunities as they arise.

This program provides support ranging from $500 to $5,000 as the budget allows, with smaller requests encouraged.

Click here to visit the InfoReady application portal.

Fund Uses

RAMP funds have been used used to:

  • Support the development of creative works
  • Acquire materials for research or projects, including wages for student researchers
  • Travel to either meet with collaborators or bring them to Vanderbilt

Eligibility and Terms

  • All full-time, VU-employed (Provost-reporting) faculty are eligible.
  • Faculty may submit up to one proposal per fiscal year as lead faculty.
  • Applicants are encouraged to consider how their proposal advances inclusive excellence.
  • Funds may not be used to support faculty salary.
  • Faculty are not eligible to submit another proposal until all reporting requirements have been met.
  • Each participating faculty member must disclose all institutional research support funds, including endowed-chair funds, annual allocations, and other such sources.
  • All funds must be used within the awarded period (i.e. no carry forward).

Review Process

Proposals will be accepted on a monthly basis July through May. Proposals will undergo an administrative review; applications are reviewed for alignment with the program and allowable funding uses.

RAMP applications will enter into review on the below dates:

  • July 31st, 2024
  • August 31st, 2024
  • September 30th, 2024
  • October 31st, 2024
  • November 30th, 2024

No review in December.

  • January 31st, 2025
  • February 28th, 2024
  • March 31st, 2025
  • April 30, 2025
  • May 31st, 2025

No review in June.

We aim to distribute review decision to all applicants within ~1 month of their proposals entering the review process. 

Application and Proposal Information

Click here to visit the InfoReady Application portal. 

Applicant Information

  • Lead Faculty First and Last Name
  • Lead Faculty VUnetID
  • Lead Faculty Department
  • Lead Faculty Appointment Title
  • Department Administrator Name and Contact Information
  • Collaborators (up to 4 faculty)

Proposal Information

  • Proposal Title
  • Project Summary (100 words)
  • Project Proposal including detailed description of work to be completed. Discuss the overarching theme, research question, area of scholarship or creative expression to be addressed. Detail the timeliness and/or time-sensitivity of the funding. Review project timeline and how funds will be used. (750 words)
  • Significance and impact of the work/scholarship on the field, the community, the university and/or the faculty involved. (250 words)
  • Outline the anticipated outcome and note any future activities or projects this funding would facilitate. (250 words)
  • Disclose current internal funding for all VU faculty involved. Each participating faculty member must disclose, in specific dollar amounts, all institutional support funds, including endowed-chair funds, annual allocations, and other such sources. If none, please put N/A.
  • Total funding requested


  • Detailed budget
  • Optional supporting image attachment.  Such attachments are only for images or graphics that cannot be included in the program description text box.
  • NOTE: Additional written content or files will not be reviewed

For more information about RAMP, please contact ovprfunding@vanderbilt.edu.