Categories of Support

Discovery Grants

Funding Categories

Pilot/Feasibility Studies

Up to $25,000/year will be awarded for up to two years. Funds enable investigators to perform key preliminary investigations or studies in new areas of research prior to submitting external grant applications. Proposals must emphasize new directions or ideas as opposed to incremental extensions of established ones. Of particular interest are high-risk proposals with the potential to make significant breakthroughs.

Interdisciplinary Grants

Up to $50,000/year will be awarded for up to two years, for projects involving two or more faculty members from different fields, generally from different departments or schools. Funds enable investigators to perform key preliminary investigations or studies in new areas of research prior to submitting external grant applications. Note: TIPs awards are for existing or emerging institutes and centers that are trans-institutional (multi and inter-disciplinary) in nature, whereas Discovery Grants are for earlier stage efforts that may later evolve into broader programs.

Infrastructure Grants

Up to $100,000/year will be awarded for up to two years, for the establishment of facilities essential for disciplinary-focused research programs. Substantial matching funds are required in this category. Matching fund sources and amounts must be included in the proposal budget.