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DSA, in conjunction with other Vanderbilt offices, administers a variety of surveys to the Vanderbilt community. This page provides an overview of recently conducted major surveys.

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SurveyRecipientsTime of YearFrequencyActive
Alcohol and Other Drug SurveyA sample of undergraduate and graduate studentsFebruaryBiennialYes
VLS Student Voice Survey1L, 2L, & 3L Vanderbilt Law StudentsFebruaryAnnualYes
Enrolled Student Survey All enrolled undergraduate studentsFebruary-AprilBiennialNo
Peabody Professional Student Exit SurveyAll graduating Peabody Professional StudentsApril/August/DecemberEvery SemesterYes
PhD Exit SurveyAll graduating PhD studentsOngoingMonthlyYes
Healthy Minds SurveyAll undergraduate, graduate, and professional studentsOctoberEvery four yearsNo
Survey of New Students All undergraduate first-year studentsJuly-AugustBiennialNo
First-Year Law Student Survey1L Vanderbilt Law StudentsAugust-SeptemberAnnualNo
Senior Survey May undergraduate candidatesAprilBiennialNo
Gender-Based and Sexual Misconduct SurveyFaculty, staff, postdocs, and all undergraduate, graduate, and professional studentsFebruaryEvery four yearsNo
Quality of Life Survey (QLS)All undergraduate studentsDecember-JanuaryBiennialNo
Doctoral Student Experience SurveyAll enrolled PhD students in their 3rd program year of attendanceDecember-JanuaryAnnualNo
International Student & Scholar Services (ISSS) SurveyInternational students, scholars, & postdocsOctober - NovemberAnnualNo
MoveVU Commute SurveyFaculty, staff, postdocs and graduate studentsOctoberAnnualNo
CommonVU EvaluationAll undergraduate first-year studentsSeptemberBiennialNo
Admitted Student Questionnaire (ASQ)All admitted first-year studentsApril-JulyAnnualNo
First Destination Survey (NACE)All graduating undergraduatesSeptember-OctoberAnnualNo
School of Engineering Survey of Future Plans May School of Engineering graduatesApril-MayAnnualNo