Cores Facilities
VU Cores:The Advanced Computing Center for Research and Education is comprised of High Performance Computing services that provide an environment for a wide variety of research projects across Vanderbilt. These services include: High Performance Computing *** Non-cluster Tape Backup Services Logistical Storage (L-Store) The Research and Education Data Depot Network (REDDnet)
Associate Director: Patrick Bembry
The principal mission of the Biomolecular NMR Center is to provide instrumentation for, and aid in obtaining data on the structure and dynamics of biological macromolecules. The Facility offers state-of-the-art instrumentation, training, software and assistance in designing experiments. We strive to help the Vanderbilt community realize the potential of biomolecular NMR and to work with NMR spectroscopists to stay current with the most recent experimental approaches.
Director: Markus Voehler
In 2003, we began offering a non-profit poster printing service for affiliates of Vanderbilt’s biomedical sciences graduate programs. Our low cost, fast turnaround time, and convenient location quickly made us a popular printing service. We now find that it is not unusual to print dozens of posters in the days before large scientific meetings. To avoid disappointment, submit posters for printing at least two business days before they are required, and we strongly suggest you allow additional time before large conferences. Our printing service has been top-rated because of its low cost and convenient location, and we need to implement this policy to continue printing posters in a timely fashion. As always, posters print on a first-come, first-served basis, and faculty can submit the sign in their finalized form according to the Technical Specifications.
Core Manager: Karen Perry
The Cancer & Immunology Core (CIC) provides access to mass cytometry and other advanced cytometry services for cancer and immunology research. The CIC uses well-established reagent sets and protocols to help researchers get a first mass cytometry figure or to carry out studies in areas where the technology development has been robust, such as monitoring human T cell subsets.
Core Manager: Caroline Roe
Scientific Director: Jonathan Irish, Ph.D.
The Department of Cell and Development BIology maintains this large and diverse set of instruments located throughout MRB3 and MCN. Equipment is pay/per use and available for anyone to use as we strive to provide a collaborative environment to all of Vanderbilt's community of researchers.
Cell & Developmental Biology Equipment Resource
Core Manager: AJ Rastogi
Supports the full range of modern microscopy and digital imaging capabilities in order to enable and accelerate research that would otherwise be reduced in quantity and quality. Currently over 200 research groups use the facilities and services of the Resource, which maintains an active development program to keep the instrumentation and systems current, functional, accessible, and easy to use. CISR currently provides facilities for both optical and electron microscopy; there are six confocal microscopes, one line-scanning microscope, two 2-photon-excitation microscopes, and four advanced wide-field microscopes as well as a Phillips CM-12 120keV Transmission Electron microscope system. The laboratory is fully equipped to carry out numerous aspects of "routine" as well as specialized electron microscopy. Included in the specialized services available through the resource are: 1) preparative techniques, such as embedding and sectioning, critical point drying, high-resolution low angle and rotary shadowing, and cryo-EM; 2) research techniques, such as immuno- and enzyme-cytochemistry, autoradiography, and whole-mount microscopy; and 3) analytical techniques, such as on- and off-line microcomputer based systems for image processing, pattern analysis, and 3-D reconstruction.
Scientific Director: Matt Tyska
Director: Jenny Schafer
Co-Director – Electron Microscopy: Jay Jerome
Faculty Advisory Committee Members (2012-2013):
Elisabeth Dykens (Kennedy Center)
Jim Goldenring (Surgical Sciences)
Scott Hiebert (Cancer Center)
David Kosson (Civil and Environmental Engineering)
Mark Magnuson (Stem Cell Biology)
Richard Peek (Digestive Disease Research Center)
Al Powers (Diabetes Center)
Jeffrey Schall (Vision Research Center)
David Wasserman (Mouse Metabolic Phenotyping Center)
Chris Wright (Program in Developmental Biology)
The Vanderbilt Center for Innovative Technology (CIT) shared resource center offers full-service, flexible small molecule omics solutions via cutting-edge global untargeted and targeted ion mobility-mass spectrometry resources. The Center focuses on high-quality and innovative analytics, the development of streamlined workflows, and utilizes a collaborative approach. Potential applications include diagnostics development, nutrient metabolomics, disease mechanism &metabolome, toxicology & exposome, microbiome research, personalized medicine, and drug discovery.
Services include consultations, biostatistics, sample preparation, untargeted and targeted metabolomics, lipidomics, data processing and analysis, grant application and manuscript support and custom method development.
Read more about our services:
Read more about our quality-focused approach:
Core Associate: Stacy Sherrod
The CSB maintains a variety of instruments for studying the conformation and stability of macromolecules and for measuring the affinity and thermodynamics of biomolecular interactions.
Core Manager: Arina Hadziselimovic
E-Mail: arina.hadzi@Vanderbilt.Edu
Website: http:/
The mission of the CSB Shared Resources is to aid Vanderbilt researchers in protein production and biophysical characterization. We provide access to specialized reagents, instrumentation, expertise and training.
Core Manager: Arina Hadziselimovic
E-Mail: arina.hadzi@Vanderbilt.Edu
Chemical Storeroom
Core Manager: Paulette Lynch
Core Manager: Magdalena Paszewsk
Chemistry PowerX-Ray Diffraction (XRD) Core
Core Manager: Janet Macdonald
Core Manager: Magdalena Paszewsk
The Computational Structural and Chemical Biology Core brings customized structural biology and chemical biology insights to your research, facilitating hypothesis generation and guiding experimental design. We offer state-of-the-art molecular visualization, structural analysis, ligand-based modeling, and structure/activity predictions that are designed to accelerate discovery.
Operations Director: Jarrod Smith
Creative Data Solutions is a Vanderbilt Shared that provides bioinformatics and informatics research services. Its vision is to have a measurable impact on the ability of research investigators to both publish their work and obtain new funding. Its core values include:
- Promote bioinformatics and advanced computation to augment our ability to achieve a solutions-driven approach to life science problems.
- Maintain a strong informatics skill-set necessary for unraveling and integrating datasets originating from various sources and technologies.
- Developing visually pleasing and understandable mixed-media and visual solutions, in order to best communicate data and resulting knowledge.
Director: Jean-Philippe Cartailler
E-Mail: jp.cartailler@Vanderbilt.Edu
A new disk storage device called DORS is now mounted on ACCRE.
Director: Patrick Bembry
E-Mail: patrick.bembry@Vanderbilt.Edu
Director: Robert Reed
E-Mail: robert.reed@Vanderbilt.Edu
Phone: 615-343-2702
Director: Caroline E Roe
E-Mail: caroline.e.roe@Vanderbilt.Edu
The Materials Durability and Environmental Research Facilities Hub (MDERFH) supports research on the performance and durability of natural and engineered materials and systems exposed to a wide range of environmental conditions. A key component of the Hub is the availability of research facilities and instrumentation that provide unique analytical services to the Vanderbilt community, as well as external academic and industry partners, through the Hub's iLab Core. Core operations are centralized in the Vanderbilt Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, and characterization techniques offered through MDERFH's Core include microscopy, spectroscopy, chromatography, crystallography, tribology, metrology, and micromechanics. The available characterization techniques provide for sample analysis of a wide range of materials, including inorganic, organic, and radionuclide environmental contaminants. The Core's instrumentation includes both user-run instruments, which require staff-led training prior to use, as well as staff-run instruments, where users will submit their samples directly to the Core. Staff-assisted sessions are available to users for an additional fee on all user-run instrumentation. The Leaching Environmental Assessment Framework (LEAF) Methods, a leaching evaluation system from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), are also available through the Core.
Core Director: Florence Sanchez
Core Director: David Kosson
Core Manager: Lesa Brown
Core Manager: Rossane DeLapp
Provides instrumentation for structural analysis of biological molecules and qualitative and quantitative assays of chemotherapeutic agents and metabolites in physiological fluids. The instrumentation facilities consist of a variety of mass spectrometric and high-pressure liquid chromatographic systems.
Learn more about MSRC's core capabilities, educational opportunities, and current research: Watch the video.
Mass Spectrometry Core
Provides instrumentation for structural analysis of biological molecules and qualitative and quantitative assays of chemotherapeutic agents and metabolites in physiological fluids. The instrumentation facilities consist of a variety of mass spectrometric and high-pressure liquid chromatographic systems.
Director: Kevin Schey
Assistant Director: Wade Calcutt
E-Mail: wade.calcutt@Vanderbilt.Edu
Faculty Advisory Committee Members (2012-2013):
Michael Aschner (Molecular Toxicology)
Alan Brash (Clinical Pharmacology)
Roger Colbran (Molecular Physiology and Biophysics)
Sean Davis (Clinical Pharmacology)
Fred Guengerich (Biochemistry)
Scott Hiebert (VICC)
Larry Marnett (VICB)
Claus Schneider (Clinical Pharmacology)
Eric Skaar (Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology)
Proteomics Core
Provides state-of-the-art instrumentation and expertise in analytical proteomics, proteome profiling, and imaging to Vanderbilt researchers. Instrumentation is available for protein and peptide separations by 2D-gel electrophoresis and multidimensional high performance liquid chromatography (LC).
Proteins and peptides of interest are processed and subjected to mass spectral (MS) analysis, and protein identifications are made based on a comparison of MS data with sequence information from genomic, protein, and EST databases. Proteome profiling and imaging in frozen tissue sections are done by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) MS. Proteomics Laboratory staff provide consultation on experimental design and sample preparation.
Director: Kevin Schey
Co-Associate Director: Hayes McDonald
Tissue/Serum Proteomics Core Director: Richard Caprioli
Faculty Advisory Committee Members (2012-2013):
Roger Colbran (Molecular Physiology and Biophysics)
David Cortez (Biochemistry)
Timothy Cover (Infectious Disease)
Scott Hiebert (Cancer Center)
Andrew Link (Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology)
Larry Marnett (Institute for Chemical Biology)
Richard Peek (Digestive Disease Research Center )
Tissue/Serum Proteomics Core
Offers a variety of services in order to determine the proteomic profiles of tissue, serum, and other biological fluids using MALDI mass spectrometry. Investigators work closely with Core personnel in order to design the experiment that will best answer the scientific questions being posed. The typical study involves examining protein changes between two experimental groups; e.g., control vs. diseased or treated vs. nontreated. The services offered by the Tissue/Serum Proteomics Core include tissue profiling, tissue imaging, 1D and 2D robotic biofluid fractionation and protein profiling, and multidimensional LC-MS/MS “shotgun” proteomics analysis of biofluids and tissue homogenates. In addition, various biocomputational services are offered in conjunction with data acquisition, including biostatistical comparisons of sample groups and image processing.
Director: Richard Caprioli
The Mouse Metabolic Phenotyping Center provides investigators wishing to address hypotheses related to diabetes and metabolism with a range of animal model systems. Assistance with mouse experimentation falls under the auspices of the Mouse Metabolic Phenotyping Center, which branched off from this core in 2001. Expertise of core personnel reflects the need to assist in both small and large animal experiments. Services provided are surgical, experimental, with limited analytical capacity (blood glucose, serology). Emphasis is on procedures needed to study conscious, unrestrained animals. Equipment available to investigators includes infusion pumps, blood flow meters, blood pressure monitors, gas analyzers, centrifuges, and glucose analyzers. The Animal Resources Core is experienced in developing new procedures and animal models to accommodate evolving research needs. Many of the procedures conducted in this core are novel. For this reason, training of investigators is an important responsibility of the Animal Resources Core.
Director: David Wasserman
The Division of Science Machine Shop, located in Vanderbilt’s Stevenson Science Center, is staffed by a full-time manager/instrument maker. The Science Shop has three- and four-axis CNC milling machines, multiple lathes, and other machines that are used regularly to produce hardware components, including prototypes. The Machine Shop also offers consultation on designs prior to the fabrication process.
Technical Supervisor: John Fellenstein
We offer UNIX/Linux computer system support, including networking and software support for workstations, printers, and server-class systems. We can also offer limited services for Windows and Macintosh systems, where appropriate. The cost of service per system varies depending on system type, system function, and other factors that relate to the amount of support required to maintain the system.
Core Director: Jarrod SMith
Neurochemistry Core Laboratory
Offers services for neurochemical profiling of brain, peripheral tissues and body fluids. The core provides analytical services for the quantitation of multiple biogenic amine neurotransmitters (e.g. dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, acetylcholine), biogenic amine metabolites, amino acids and amino acid neurotransmitters (e.g. glutamate, GABA). Investigators provide primary tissue samples or extracts stabilized for analysis.
Core Director: Ginger Milne
Phone: (615) 936-5611
Rat and Mouse Neurobehavior Cores
This facility provides infrastructure and guidance to support the assessment of behavior in genetically altered mice. Automated, computer-controlled instrumentation provides for assessment of motor and cognitive behavior as well as drug responses. MNL core personnel consult with investigators on experimental design and train core users in animal handling, data acquisition, and statistical analysis. Core personnel may also assist with writing methods and results sections for manuscripts or grants.
Murine Neurobehavioral Laboratory
This facility provides infrastructure and guidance to support the assessment of behavior in genetically altered mice. Automated, computer-controlled instrumentation provides for assessment of motor and cognitive behavior as well as drug responses. MNL core personnel consult with investigators on experimental design and train core users in animal handling, data acquisition, and statistical analysis. Core personnel may also assist with writing methods and results sections for manuscripts or grants.
Manager: John Allison
Phone: (615) 322-0794
Provides equipment, training and consulting for Vanderbilt personnel who are interested in studying rat models of both neurological and psychiatric disorders. Examples of assays available for research in rats include models of anxiety, depression, drug abuse, learning and memory, cognition, attention, social interaction, pain, motor activity and coordination. Investigators can employ the latest technology in video capture and software-based analysis of behavior.
Rat Neurobehavioral Laboratory
Provides equipment, training and consulting for Vanderbilt personnel who are interested in studying rat models of both neurological and psychiatric disorders. Examples of assays available for research in rats include models of anxiety, depression, drug abuse, learning and memory, cognition, attention, social interaction, pain, motor activity and coordination. Investigators can employ the latest technology in video capture and software-based analysis of behavior.
Contact: Carrie Jones or Lisa Wright
E-Mail: or
Phone: (615) 343-4337
VBI Instrument Core
The Vanderbilt Brain Institute maintains this large and diverse set of instruments located throughout MRB3. Equipment is pay/per use and available for anyone to use as we strive to provide a collaborative environment to all of Vanderbilt’s community of researchers.
Manager: AJ Rastogi
The Vanderbilt Center for Stem Cell Biology aims to understand the biology of stem cells and the mechanisms for directing their differentiation to specific cell fates.
The Vanderbilt Genome Editing Resource (VGER) assists investigators in generating, maintaining and storing germline-altered mice in an efficient and cost-effective manner. The VGER provides services, consultation, and collaborations to enable the generation, storage and regeneration of genetically altered mice at Vanderbilt. This resource, which was previously called the Transgenic Mouse ESC Shared Resource, has been in existence for over 25 years and has generated 200 unique gene-targeted mice between 1993-2015 and more than 100 genome edited mice using CRISPR-Cas9 since 2014.
The Vanderbilt Cryopreserved Mouse Repository (VCMR) contains unique cryopreserved mouse strains that have been derived and donated by Vanderbilt investigators. These strains are available for rederivation or shipment by investigators.
We have many years of experience in generating novel transgenic mouse models and are happy to discuss your project with you.
Director: Mark Magnuson
E-Mail: Mark.Magnuson@Vanderbilt.Edu
Manager: Jennifer Skelton
E-Mail: Jennifer.Skelton@Vanderbilt.Edu
VGER Website:
VCMR Website:
We have developed a highly dynamic environment that utilizes industry standard practices and novel technologies for biological screening.
Director: Joshua Bauer
VINSE provides access and training on state-of-the-art fabrication and characterization equipment inside Vanderbilt University’s Engineering and Science Building (ESB). Full-time staff provide training, process assistance and tool troubleshooting. Our facilities include a cleanroom, analytical support core and advanced imaging suite. The cleanroom provides cutting-edge nanofabrication tools for the development of materials and integrated devices as well as microfluidic and nano-photonic systems. An analytical laboratory conveniently located adjacent to the cleanroom contains a comprehensive range of characterization tools. The imaging suite hosts advanced electron and atomic force microscopes capable of characterizing a wide variety of samples from complex layered semiconductors, nanoparticles, to hydrated biological specimens with a space dedicated specimen preparation. VINSE facilities are open to the Vanderbilt community as well as to external partners, including non-profit and academic institutions, start-ups and industry.
Core Manager: Sarah Ross
The Vanderbilt Institute for Spatial Research (VISR) is an advanced geospatial modeling and analysis facility. VISR partners with diverse multidisciplinary researchers and entities across Vanderbilt, VUMC, and the region. As Vanderbilt’s only advanced geospatial analysis facility, VISR enables our faculty in disciplines ranging from the social sciences, earth sciences, medicine and epidemiology, civil engineering, education, and humanities to integrate geospatial dimensions into their research programs. VISR also addresses a large and growing demand for geophysical survey (primarily Ground Penetrating Radar and Magnetometry) of archaeological sites (both historic and prehistoric) throughout middle Tennessee. Our services encompass several areas of geospatial modeling and analysis, including (but no limited to) the following:
- Geospatial statistical analysis (cluster/hotspot analyses, geographically weighted regression)
- Geospatial modeling (suitability analysis, viewshed, spatial network analysis, etc)
- Geostatistical modeling (kriging and related analyses)
- Remote sensing analysis (image classification and segmentation, Land Use Land Cover modeling, change detection, etc)
- Geophysical survey (Ground Penetrating Radar, Magnetometry)
- Photogrammetry
- Cartographic consultation and production
For these and other services, VISR can provide end-to-end support, from research design and conception (consultation and drafting of proposals) through reporting and publication.
Director of Facility: Steven Wernke, PhD
Facility Program Manger: Natalie Robbins, PSM
Currently the Small Molecule NMR Facility Core is comprised of five Bruker NMR spectrometers ranging from 300-600 MHz. Researchers interested in accessing the Small Molecule NMR Facility Core are encouraged to explore this webpage or contact Facility Director directly (Donald Stec, Ph.D.; with any questions regarding Facility access and/or capabilities.
Director: Don Stec
E-Mail: donald.f.stec@Vanderbilt.Edu
The Chemical Synthesis Core was established within the Vanderbilt Institute of Chemical Biology to support the organic and medicinal chemistry needs of Vanderbilt investigators. The primary focus of the core is to facilitate biology-oriented projects within the medical center and the university by assisting with the chemistry aspect of the project. The core works independently or in collaboration with the VICB High Throughput Screening Center on the synthesis of literature-cited compounds (including patented ones) as well as full scale lead optimization of a compound.
Director: Gary Sulikowski
E-mail: gary.a.sulikowski@vanderbilt.Edu
Assistant Director: Kwangho Kim
Phone: (615) 322-7324
VUMC Cores:
Please visit