people_walking picture Center for Teaching Future Faculty Preparation Program

Teaching & Learning
Hands on Experience

The hands-on experience category allows participants to reflect thoughtfully on their own teaching practices and to share teaching and learning concerns and ideas with colleagues. Participants will:

1. Complete 5 hours of teaching interaction with students. A participant’s TA duties may provide sufficient interaction; otherwise additional arrangements must be made. Possible alternatives include teaching a small portion of a course on an adjunct basis (at Vanderbilt or another institution), individual tutoring, facilitating review or help sessions, or other arrangements where the participant is actively engaged in a teaching-learning relationship with students. The five hours of teaching must be documented with a teaching/lesson plan (for each session taught), some form of classroom or student assessment, and self-evaluation or reflection. For more information on assessment and reflection, refer to the Teaching as Inquiry, Experimentation, and Reflection document.

2. Facilitate a teaching and learning-based session (e.g., brownbag lunch) for our department, the Center for Teaching (such as a F2P2 workshop), or another institution. After teaching the session, include the following in your F2P2 notebook, include:

  • a flyer announcing the event,
  • lesson plan and copy of handouts,
  • list of attendees, and
  • summary of assessment of the event.

Refer to the Workshop Planning Document for guidelines on organizing an event. If you would like to propose a workshop for inclusion in F2P2 (including GradSTEP), please see our F2P2 Workshop Development Process.


arrowV pictureTeaching & Learning

arrowB picturearrowB pictureOverview

arrowB picturearrowB pictureWorkshops

arrowB picturearrowB pictureMentoring

arrowB picturearrowH pictureHands-On Experience

arrowB picturearrowB picturePartner Institutions

arrowB picturearrowB pictureTrack Checklist

Please contact Derek Bruff with comments or questions about this site.