Current Opportunities at Vanderbilt

Postdoctoral research positions are available with the Collaborative for STEM Education and Outreach in the Department of Teaching and Learning, a part of Peabody College of Education and Human Development at Vanderbilt University. Qualified candidates with interests in K-12 STEM education are encouraged to apply.

Department Collaborative for STEM Education and Outreach / Department of Teaching and Learning
Full Description

POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP POSITIONS at Vanderbilt University available:

The Collaborative for STEM Education and Outreach (CSEO) at Vanderbilt University invites applicants for postdoctoral positions in Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math (STEM) Education. Applicants should have interest in innovative and equitable STEM teaching, curriculum design, research, and evaluation in K-12 STEM education. Postdoctoral fellows will work with one or more of the following CSEO programs, all in partnership with Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools (MNPS):

• The Interdisciplinary Science and Research (ISR) program offers students at one of three MNPS high schools a four-year, interdisciplinary, research-centered learning experience as a course of study. Students pursue a curriculum that connects the different STEM disciplines through problem-based learning. The program partners a postdoctoral fellow with an MNPS teacher to collaboratively teach the problem-based curriculum. 

• The Resident Scientist (RS) program places trained research scientists at local middle schools. The Resident Scientists collaborate with MNPS teachers to create interactive and engaging interdisciplinary STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics) lesson plans by incorporating authentic data and addressing real-world application.

• The School for Science and Math at Vanderbilt (SSMV) offers MNPS high school students a four-year, interdisciplinary, research-centered learning experience. Twenty-six students per class in grades 9-12 attend SSMV on the Vanderbilt campus one day per week, progressing from class-wide projects covering all STEM disciplines to individual research projects in university laboratories. Ph.D. scientists and science educators serve as full-time instructors.

• The Day of Discovery (DoD) program offers middle school students the opportunity to experience youth-centered, inquiry-based, and project-based STEM learning designed to nurture their STEM learning, interests, and identities. In partnership with middle schools in MNPS, students in grades 7-8 attend DoD on the Vanderbilt campus or at the Nashville Zoo one day per week for the school year. Ph.D. scientists and science educators serve as full-time instructors. 

• Ph.D. in a STEM education field
• Experience in STEM education research or evaluation

• Experience teaching in formal or informal K-12 STEM education at the middle school or high school level 
• Extensive research experience in one or more STEM fields
• Evidence of presentations at conferences and research published in STEM-related or STEM education, peer-reviewed academic journals

Duties for all postdoctoral fellows include:

• Teach in one of the CSEO programs as a lead instructor or co-lead instructor
• Design innovative, equitable, inquiry-based curriculum based on multidisciplinary STEM topics
• Guide student research projects
• Develop and follow through on a professional growth plan aligned with professional goals
• Build and maintain relationships with Vanderbilt University and Vanderbilt University Medical Center researchers, MNPS staff, and stakeholders in the greater Nashville community to partner in ways that benefit all parties

Other responsibilities will be tailored toward the postdoctoral fellow’s expertise and goals. Examples of such duties include: designing and conducting an evaluation plan for CSEO’s programs, partnering with VU faculty and MNPS staff to design and facilitate professional development for teachers, crafting a personal research program with mentorship from VU faculty, working on funded grant projects with VU faculty, and presenting and publishing research for academic and practitioner audiences.

Application Details

Applicants can be considered for any of the four programs, with placement based on availability and the applicant’s interest and background. Each position includes salary plus health insurance coverage and will be initially for 12 months with the possibility of extension subject to satisfactory performance and available funding. Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until available positions are filled. 

Please submit application materials electronically to Dr. Eeds at with “CSEO Postdoctoral Fellow Search” included in the subject line of the email. The materials should include a letter of interest, one publication (or manuscript in progress), and a current CV. In addition, please include the names and contact information in the letter for three potential references. Prospective applicants are encouraged to visit the CSEO website at and the Vanderbilt Peabody College website at

The CSEO aims to provide a supportive multidisciplinary environment that promotes collaboration and encourages creativity.

Contact Joe Lopez
Posted 2024-04-18 14:43:46

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