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Our lunchtime seminars meet roughly seven times a year, allowing participants to earn fully half the 12 general hours required each year by the Tennessee State Bar. The schedule for upcoming seminars can be viewed here. In addition, JLAMT sponsors a one-hour ethics/professionalism lunchtime seminar in the spring, for which the Tennessee State Bar requires three hours annually. Our topics vary widely from one seminar to the next, depending upon the specific interests of the presenter and his/her legal and professional area of interest. JLAMT is committed both to exposing its members to the foundations of the Jewish legal tradition and to showing the relevance of that tradition in the contemporary period, as secular legal authorities both in the United States and Israel contend with a rising prominence of religious traditions in public life the world over.

Future plans for JLAMT include in-depth workshops examining specific areas of Jewish Law relevant for current legal practitioners of American Law. These will include workshops on Jewish divorce law and its relationship to American Law (click here for more information), recent decisions of the Israeli Supreme Court, and contemporary Jewish legal decision-making.

For a list of our upcoming seminars, click here. Please note that advanced registration is required for all events in order to obtain CLE credit.

If you would like to invite a speaker from the JLAMT to speak on a particular topic at your program or institution, click here to contact us.