Since ChatGPT became public in November 2022, many in higher education were quick to think and discuss how student use of such generative AI tools could have positive or negative impact on education. Now we are at a point where we realize that not only can it be a positive tool for students, but also for instructors. Generative AI is good at creating many different types of output, so it is important to be clear about what you want to accomplish with generative AI and what still requires human input to be done effectively.
Incorporating generative AI into your classroom
If you are considering allowing your students to use generative AI, the following questions outlined below can help you make decisions about how you will incorporate generative AI into your course and build strategies to ensure your students develop the literacy to engage thoughtfully with these programs.
How can incorporating generative AI in the classroom help my students achieve course objectives?
If you’re considering incorporating generative AI into your teaching, it can help to consider how generative AI intersects with your overall goals for the course. Starting from your course goals and objectives can help you identify how and when using generative AI can help your students learn. For each of your course objectives, ask yourself the following questions:
- How can generative AI tools help my students achieve this course objective?
- How might generative AI tools prevent my students from achieving this course objective?
Starting from your course objectives will not only help you develop meaningful lessons and activities, but it will also help you to develop strategic course policies for generative AI use that ensure that students use these tools in a way that enhances their learning rather than diminishing it.
When considering the ways that generative AI tools can benefit or inhibit student learning, the following use cases adapted from (Mollick, E. & Mollick L., 2023) may be helpful for considering the possible benefits and drawbacks of different AI interactions:
What skills and competencies do I need to effectively incorporate generative AI into my course?
To best help your students make informed decisions about using generative AI, you may want to consider your own comfort with these tools. Taking an inventory of your own knowledge of generative AI tools can help you to avoid passing on misconceptions to your students.
Once you’ve taken inventory of your current knowledge and identified any knowledge gaps, you will want to seek out opportunities to address those gaps.
How can I make sure students understand my expectations and policies?
While some instructors may decide to incorporate generative AI into every part of their course, others may limit or outright ban its use. Because policies vary across courses and instructors, it is important to communicate with students early about expectations on how generative AI should or should not be used in a course. It is likely that students will be in situations where one course allows generative AI usage with no caveats, another course bans any and all generative AI usage, and another allows it with certain citation and disclosure requirements, which may confuse or overwhelm students.
To minimize confusion, create a clear, consistent policy that students can easily reference. This can best be achieved by incorporating policies and expectations in the course syllabus, discussing them early and often in class, and specifying instructions and parameters on individual assignment instructions.
Once you have written a policy that clearly communicates your expectations, consider when, where, and how you will share this policy. In addition to including the policy in your syllabus, you might consider reiterating your policy in the following ways:
- Include your policy in an easy-to-access location, such as a content module in Brightspace or within the syllabus.
- Communicate your expectations verbally to students at the beginning of the semester.
- Provide opportunities for students to ask questions about your policy and clarify any doubts they may have.
- Remind your students of your policy before major assignments are due.
- Highlight times within the course when instructions or parameters are different from usual assignments.
Below, we provide an overview of the most common generative AI policies and specific considerations that you may want to consider in each use case.
Sample Syllabus Statement
For an example of an effective and clear syllabus statement, consider the following example from Professor Alan Peters’ policy for his Fall 2023 course in Electrical and Computer Engineering:
“You are free to use generative AI algorithms such as ChatGPT in your work.
However, you must:
- Cite any text that the AI generated (even if you edited it) with a bibliography entry that includes the name and version of the AI model that you used, the date and time it was used, and includes the exact query or prompt that you used to get the results.
- Cite, as described in rule 1, any code that you had it generate for you. I recommend that you not ask it to write code for you. Doing so will probably be more work than simply writing it yourself. Because my expectations are:
- You must thoroughly test the code to prove that it works.
- You must explain what you did to verify that it works.
- To demonstrate that you understand it, you must comment every single logical object be it a data structure or line or short block of code that it generates. (i.e. exactly what that bit of code does and how it does it).
- The code must follow the other rules. For example, the assignment may have stated restrictions on methods, procedures, external libraries or programs.
- It must generate the results that are asked for in the assignment instructions.
I hope that by following these rules you will learn how to use generative AI as an assistant to increase your productivity in writing and coding. If you fail to follow these rules, that will be an honor code violation, and you will be referred to the Honor Council.
For other suggestions and examples of syllabus language specific to generative AI, you can refer to this collection of ideas, policies, and syllabus passages. If you want more information about crafting syllabus policies in general, we recommend you check out the Center for Teaching’s guide on syllabus design.
Building generative AI literacy with a scaffolded approach
How you design learning experiences to help your students develop generative AI literacy will vary depending on your overall goals and objectives for using generative AI in your classroom. However, as you develop lessons and activities to support student’s generative AI use, consider you may want to keep in mind that some students may have no prior experience using generative AI or may have vastly different experiences with it. As such, you might consider taking a scaffolded approach to incorporating generative AI into your classroom. Rather than teaching a single lesson on generative AI or expecting students to develop these competencies on their own, you might consider supporting their learning by giving them multiple opportunities to develop and refine their skills.
While the exact topic and order of your lessons will vary based on your specific course, you may want to consider helping your students build some basic skills and familiarity with generative AI tools before implementing more specialized activities. The following chart provides an overview of how you might help your students fulfill course objectives and achieve learning outcomes by building their knowledge over time.Below we describe each of these steps in greater detail.
For more examples of how instructors are incorporating generative AI into their courses, check out this article that Dan Arena, Associate Professor the Practice of Computer Science at Vanderbilt, published in Slate. In his article, Arena explains how he incorporated ChatGPT in class to help students understand how the tool works and think critically about the role of generative AI tools in the workplace.
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