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Emergency Evacuation Plan

Evacuation Protocol

General Guidelines:

Unlike the majority of the buildings on campus, Engineering and Science Building Innovation Pavilion has a fire safety design of a skyscraper meaning that only the floor where an alarm has been signaled, along with the floors directly above and below are initially alarmed.  Once it is a confirmed alarm, the rest of the building will be notified.  For this reason, as you are evacuating the building, please do not by-pass a fire wall (details below) as there may be a fire on the other side, instead use one of the emergency exits available (see pdf).

ESB Lobby

Key Points:

  • In the event of an evacuation, do not use the elevators.
  • Students should know who is near them when the alarms sound and alert the instructor if anyone is missing after leaving the building.
  • Assembly points must be at least 50 feet from the building - 25th Parking Garage and Lawn beside Studio Arts Building.
  • Do not congregate near response units and activities - response teams will initially be responding along Highland Ave.

Fire Walls:

There are five (5) fire walls that will automatically deploy in the event of a fire alarm being activated.  Three (3) of these walls will divide off common paths causing occupants to exit down another stairwell.  These are located in between the main lobby and café lobby, at the basement and 3rd floor levels of Stair 3 (Grand round stairs).  In the event that the emergency requires you to not use one of the other emergency exits, press the green bar to temporarily stop/open the fire walls.  If other exits are not blocked, please do not press the green emergency buttons and proceed to those exits.

Click for additional evacuation protocol and details.

Floor plan of evacuation route:

Basement         Mezzanine
First Floor         Second Floor
Third Floor        Fourth Floor


Anton Grassl, Photographer