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Linked Open Gazetteer of the Andean Region

Posted by on Tuesday, May 5, 2020 in DH Projects at Vanderbilt.

The Linked Open Gazetteer of the Andean Region (LOGAR) is a geographical index and map of colonial places relevant to Andean studies. Co-edited by Steven Wernke (Vanderbilt University) and Akira Saito (National Museum of Ethnology, Japan), LOGAR focuses on the towns established during the mass colonial resettlement program known as the Reducción General de Indios (General Resettlement of Indians) of the Viceroy Francisco de Toledo. The Reducción forcibly resettled approximately 1.4 million native Andeans into over 1,000 reducción (literally, “reduction”) towns. Reducciones were founded (at least nominally) during the Visita General (Toledo’s tour of inspection and resettlement) between 1570 and 1575. The scope of LOGAR is initially limited to the area under most direct jurisdictional control of Viceroy Toledo—specifically, the audiencias of Lima and Charcas.

Blown up image of a section of the LOGAR website's homepage, featuring the project's name and a map of South AmericaFollowing its introduction, LOGAR is continuously updated by edited contributions by scholars of Andean history in various countries. LOGAR builds directly on the open source code base and architecture of the Syriac Gazetteer. LOGAR is extensible (spatially and temporally), and over the long term, aims to serve as a more general repository and research tool of broad utility to the scholarly community of the Andean region.

LOGAR was developed with the support of a National Endowment for the Humanities Digital Humanities Advancement Grant and a faculty fellowship from the Center for Digital Humanities, Vanderbilt University.

For more information, check out the LOGAR website or contact Steven Wernke, LOGAR editor (

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