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Library DiSC Trainings

Posted by on Tuesday, August 31, 2021 in Event Archives, Events.

Our colleagues at the Library’s Disc Office will resume in-person trainings this semester, augmented by online and asynchronous options. This Fall, beginning next week, they are offing introductory lessons in R and Python, as well as a new training on managing web pages with GitHub Pages. They will also offer intermediate sessions on using R for data visualization with ggplot2. Additionally, they will run two series of GIS workshops, with foci on ArcGIS, QGIS, ArcPro, ArcGIS Online, and working with raster data.

As always, the DiSC office is happy to work with you, your class, or other group to tailor trainings to your needs. The Digital Literacy and Research Productivity series offer some examples of one-off workshops we have taught in the past and could run again. Whatever your digital scholarship need, we’re here to help! Contact them directly at: