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Biology and the Bean

Posted by on Monday, October 24, 2016 in Fall Spotlight, Uncategorized.

Welcome to Week 2 of the Fall Spotlight Series! Read more for a look at some of the biomedical research surrounding coffee consumption.

When it comes to the effects of coffee consumption on the body, researchers often come up with a wide spectrum of results. Some have argued that coffee produces many negative side-effects, while others have shown that coffee has a multitude of benefits.

Check out the following links from Medical News Today:

The article makes several claims:

1. Coffee may reduce diabetes

2. Increased coffee consumption may reduce chances of Parkinson’s

3. Coffee considerably lowers risk of liver cancer

4. Coffee may reduce chances of liver disease

5. Certain amounts of coffee may improve heart health

You probably noticed “may” and “might” in the phrases above, and those are intentionally placed. Most studies regarding coffee find correlations in coffee consumption and biomedical effects, but few can make causal claims.

But, most researchers agree that moderate amounts off coffee have benefits, while effects from extreme amounts of the substance have been harder categorize.

In a caffeine summary from the Institute for Scientific Information on Coffee, researchers support the claim that most individuals can have up to 5 cups a day and still enjoy benefits such as “alertness, well-being and both intellectual and physical endurance performance” (ISIC, 2016).

So, perhaps coffee can be consumed in larger amounts than a modest one or two cups.

Read more about the latest research regarding coffee’s influence on hydration, bone health, and additional guidelines for coffee intake here: