Welcome to the 2023 version of fall! With the official start of the season underway, we’re all probably glad to be escaping the summer heat as we transition to a season that is cooler and beautifully colorful in its own special way. And as we know, with new seasons come change.
As we embark on a new approach to the Rooted in Learning newsletter, we would love to hear from you about what you’ve enjoyed about the content, as well as what you might find valuable moving forward. In the coming days we will follow up with a survey in hopes of capturing your thoughts on what would make for a meaningful professional development centered newsletter experience. We value your engagement and we highly encourage and anticipate your feedback on the upcoming survey.
October HR ELE experiences
Learn more about Vanderbilt’s second free online ChatGPT course
Here’s to hoping you make the most of what this fall has to offer.
Happy Learning!
HR Employee Learning and Engagement | Upcoming Learning Experiences
Aspiring LeadeReads: No Hard Feelings: The Secret Power of Embracing Emotions at Work
In this four-part series, guided by the book, we will engage in deep discussions, activities, and reflections around motivation, communication, culture, leadership, and more.
To learn more about upcoming workshops, please visit our website. If you would like the ELE team to facilitate a learning experience, please submit your request here.
Vanderbilt University’s Second Free Chat GPT Online Course with Coursera Now Available
Photo by Connor Bacon
Learn more about Jules White’s second free online Chat GPT course, Advanced Data Analysis, offered via Coursera. Read the detailed MyVU article here.
Did You Know…?
According the the American Psychological Association (APA):
“Data show that 32% of employees who are monitored with tech during the workday by their employer report their mental health as poor or fair (as opposed to good or excellent) compared with 24% who are not monitored. Results show 45% of those monitored report their workplaces have a negative impact on their mental health compared with 29% who are not monitored.”
Achieve Your Learning Goals– Tap Into Skillsoft Books and Videos!
Skillsoft Books and Videos offers you access to a library of more than 40,000 audiobooks, videos, live events, and related content. You can locate this wealthy resource under Learning Item Number OLC930045 in Oracle, or simply visit Oracle Learning.
NOTE: You must use Mozilla Firefox to access the library.
Access On-Demand Courses or Register for Monthly Gatherings with Lyra Learn!
Lyra Learn offers interactive and research-backed courses about specific mental health topics led by clinicians and subject matter experts. New courses are added every quarter.
Complete the following steps to register for Lyra Learn and Lyra Gatherings:
Upon reaching the log in page, go to “New user? Register”
Complete the registration form (enter #vanderbilt511 for the customer code)
Check your email for the link to complete the registration process
Communicate & Share Your Ideas
Got content suggestions? We’d love to hear from you. Email us your questions, thoughts, suggestions or requests for the newsletter or workshops and trainings at ele@vanderbilt.edu. Continue to encourage your teams and colleagues to opt-in to Rooted in Learning. Also, please note that a Vanderbilt email address is required to subscribe.
The Employee Learning and Engagement Team
This newsletter is distributed to members of CHRP and other selected units within the Division of Administration. We encourage sharing this content with your teams and colleagues across the institution. Anyone wishing to opt-in to this distribution list may do so by emailing ele@vanderbilt.edu.