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Chain of Command

Cadet Battalion Commander - Emmett Goldstein

  • Cadet Emmett Goldstein is a Senior at Vanderbilt University studying HOD. As the Battalion Commander, CDT Goldstein is responsible for everything the Battalion does or fails to do.  

Cadet Sergeant Major - Brooklyn Geida

  • Cadet Brooklyn Geida is a Senior at Vanderbilt University studying Medicine, Health, and Society on the Pre-Vet track. Cadet Geida is responsible for supervising the fitness, standards, discipline, doctrine, and training of the Cadets.

Cadet Executive Officer - Alexis Donofrio

  • Cadet Alexis Donofrio is a Senior at Belmont University, studying Business Finance with a minor in Chemistry. As the Executive Officer, she is responsible for the management of day-to-day activities and staff, freeing the commander to concentrate on strategy .

Cadet Company Commanders - Jack Rapp and Robert Polk

  • Cadet Robert Polk, Alpha Company Commander, is a Senior at Vanderbilt University majoring in Mechanical Engineering. Cadet Jack Rapp, Bravo Company Commander, is a senior at Vanderbilt University majoring in HOD. As Company Commanders, they are accountable and responsible for the training, discipline, administration, and overall welfare of their companies.  

Cadet Company Executive Officers - Toraun Blackman and Henry Skeen

  • Cadet Toraun Blackman, Alpha Company Executive Officer, is a Senior at Tennessee State University, studying Economics and Finance. Cadet Henry Skeen, Bravo Company Executive Officer, is a Senior at Vanderbilt University, majoring in Political Science. As Company Executive officers, they are res ponsible for the management of day-to-day activities, freeing their respective commanders to concentrate on strategy .

Cadet First Sergeants - Jess Higa and Carlton Rhodes

  • Cadet Jess Higa, Alpha Company First Sergeant, is a Senior at Trevecca University majoring in Criminal Justice and History. Cadet Carlton Rhodes, Bravo First Sergeant, is a Senior at Tennessee State University, majoring in Political Science. As Company First Sergeants, they are responsible for developing the cadets. Together, they ensure the health, welfare, and morale of the companies. 

Cadet Company Operations NCOs - John Murry McCullouch and Jharna Jogi

  • Cadet John Murry McCullouch, Alpha Company OPs NCO, is a Senior at Vanderbilt University, studying Neuroscience. Cadet Jharna Jogi, Bravo OPs NCO, is a Senior at Trevecca University, studying Biology. As Company Operations NCOs, they are responsible for developing the cadets. They help ensure the training paths are properly developed and followed, as well as enforce standards within the companies. 

Cadet S1 - Tri Shriram

  • Cadet Tri Shriram is a Senior at Vanderbilt University studying English. As the S1, CDT Shriram is the principal staff officer for personnel support. 

Cadet S2 - Derek Daniels

  • Cadet Derek Daniels is a Senior at Vanderbilt University, studying Neuroscience. As the S2, CDT Daniels is the unit's security and intelligence officer.  

Cadet S3 Shop - Jackson Bechtol, Melvin Wrightsil, and Rais Nurhidajat

  • Cadet S3, Jackson Bechtol, is a Senior at Belmont University, studying Business. Cadet Melvin Wrightsil is one of the Assistant S3s and is a Senior at Vanderbilt University studying Medicine, Health, and Society.  Cadet Rais Nurhidajat is also an Assistant S3 and a fifth-year Senior at Vanderbilt University studying Mechanical Engineering.  As the S3 shop, these cadets are r esponsible for every aspect of the battalion's operations.  

Cadet S4 Shop - Jakin Buckalew and Chris Allen 

  • Cadet Jakin Buckalew is the S4 and a Senior at Vanderbilt University, studying Economics. Cadet Chris Allen is the assistant S4 and is a Senior at Tennessee State University studying Criminal Justice. As the S4 Shop, CDTs Buckalew and Allen are in charge of the supplies of the battalion. 

Cadet S5 - Andrew Fietze

  • Cadet Andrew Fietze is a Senior at Vanderbilt University, studying Biology. As the S-5, CDT Fietze is in charge of recruiting and acts as the liaison between the battalion and Vanderbilt University for coordinating external events. 

Cadet S6 - Allison Miller

  • Cadet Allison Miller is a Senior at Vanderbilt University, studying Law, History and Society, and Classics and Mediterranean Studies. As the S-6, CDT Miller is in charge of running the battalion's social media platforms, maintaining alumni relations, and maintaining outreach through the use of the Newsletter and website. 

Cadre and Staff


Professor of Military Science-Lieutenant Colonel Christine Kendzior

LTC Kendzior


LTC Christine Kendzior commissioned in May 2005 from Loyola University Chicago as a Military Intelligence (MI) Officer with a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry (2003), a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science (2003), and a Master of Arts in Political Science (2005). Upon graduating the Military Intelligence Officer Basic Course, she was assigned to 2-15 Field Artillery Regiment, Fort Drum, New York and deployed to Mahmudiyah, Iraq in 2006.

Upon her return to Fort Drum, she attended the Military Intelligence Captain’s Career Course and was reassigned to 3rd Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division, Fort Benning, Georgia where she served and deployed as a Brigade Assistant S2, followed by Military Intelligence CompanyCommander to Kalsu, Iraq in 2009. 

After command, she served as the Deputy Analysis and Control Element for US Army Central Command (USARCENT), providing intelligence support to the Central Command Area of Operations. She then served as a Military Intelligence Assignment Officer at Human Resources Command, Fort Knox, Kentucky providing mentorship to Military Intelligence Captains on career progression. In 2015 she graduated the Command and General Staff Officer Course at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas and was assigned to US Army Forces Command (FORSCOM), at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. In 2016 she was assigned to 525 Military Intelligence Brigade, where she served as a Battalion Operations Officer and as the Brigade Executive Officer both in garrison and forward deployed to Afghanistan in 2017 and 2018. In her last positions, she served as the Deputy G2 for 1st Special Forces Command and as the G2 Operations and Plans Chief for XVIII Airborne Corps. Most recently, she redeployed from Germany in May 2022 aftersupporting Contingency Response Force requirements with XVIII Airborne Corps.

Her awards and decorations includes the Bronze Star Medal (1 OLC), the Meritorious Service Medal (5 OLC), the Army Commendation Medal (2 OLC), the Army Achievement Medal, the Parachutist Badge, and the Combat Action Badge.

She is married to David A. Kendzior of Rochester, NY. They live together in Nashville, Tennessee.


Military Science Instructor- Major Christopher Figueroa

Major Christopher Figueroa commissioned as a Military Police Officer from the United States Military Academy at West Point. His military education includes the Military Police Basic Officer Leader and Captains’ Career Courses, Command and General Staff College, Special Reaction Team-Phase I, and other functional training courses.

His previous assignments include: Platoon Leader 558th MP Company, Assistant S-3 728th MP
Battalion, Logistics Officer 14th MP Brigade, and Company Commander 289th MP Company (The Old
Guard). His deployments include: Platoon Leader 558th MP Company (OIF IX-X) and Afghan
National Police Operations Officer for Regional Support Command-West (2011-2012).

Following his selection as a Foreign Area Officer, he attended the Defense Language Institute
Foreign Language Center for the Modern Standard Arabic-Basic Course. He then completed his In-
Region Training at the Office of Military Cooperation – Bahrain before attending and completing
graduate school. Upon graduation, he served as the Security Cooperation Program Manager,
followed by Chief of Security Cooperation in the Office of Security Cooperation - Mauritania. He then
served as the Advisor Fundamentals OIC at the Combat Advisor Training Course, Military Advisor
Training Academy. In September 2024 he began his duties as Assistant Professor of Military
Science at Vanderbilt University.

His awards include the Bronze Star, the Defense Meritorious Service Medal, the Meritorious Service
Medal (1 OLC), the Joint Service Commendation Medal, the Army Commendation Medal (4 OLC),
the Army Achievement Medal (5 OLC), the Air Assault Badge, the Senior Army Instructor Badge, the
Order of St. Maurice – Legionnaire, the Order of St. George – Bronze Medallion, and the Maneuver
Center of Excellence Officer Instructor of the Quarter (Q2FY23 & Q2FY24).

His civilian education includes an Associates of Arts in Arabic from the Defense Language Institute,
a Bachelor of Science in Management from the United States Military Academy and a Master of
Science in International Affairs from the Georgia Institute of Technology.


Military Science Instructor- Sergeant First Class Obie Carswell

Sergeant First Class Obie C. Carswell is a Military Science Instructor and Operations Sergeant for Vanderbilt University Army ROTC. 

Sergeant First Class Carswell is from Morganton, North Carolina and entered the United States Army on 06 July 2006. He completed One Station Unit Training as a 12B, Combat Engineer, at Fort Leonard Wood, MO. 

Sergeant First Class Carswell’s assignments include the following: Platoon Sergeant, Bravo Company, 39th Brigade Engineer Battalion, Fort Campbell, KY; Operations Sergeant, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 39th Brigade Engineer Battalion, Fort Campbell, KY; Squad Leader, Bravo Company, 39th Brigade Engineer Battalion, Fort Campbell, KY; Drill Sergeant, Alpha Company, 43rd Adjutant General Battalion, Fort Leonard Wood, MO; Drill Sergeant, Charlie Company, 35th Engineer Battalion, Fort Leonard Wood, MO; Drill Sergeant, Delta Company, 787th Military Police Battalion, Fort Leonard Wood, MO; Squad Leader, 62ndSapper Company, 4th Engineer Battalion, Ft Carson, CO; Team Leader, 62nd Sapper Company, Ft Carson, CO; Driver, 569th Engineer Company, Ft Carson, CO.  

Sergeant First Class Carswell has deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, Enduring Freedom, and New Dawn. 

Sergeant First Class Carswell has completed numerous military schools and courses includingthe Master Educators Course, Common Faculty Development – Instructor Course, Equal Opportunity Leader Course, Sapper Leaders Course, Urban Mobility Breacher Course, United States Army Drill Sergeant School, Air Assault School, and Rappel Master. His Non-Commissioned Officer Professional Education includes Combat Engineer Senior Leaders Course, Combat Engineer Basic Leader Course, and Warrior Leaders Course. Sergeant First Class Carswell has earned certificates from Western Kentucky University in OrganizationalLeadership, and Interactive Training Design.

His awards and decorations include the Naval and Marine Corp Commendation Medal, Army Commendation Medal (4 OLC), Army Achievement Medal (4 OLC), Drill Sergeant Identification Badge, Air Assault Badge, Drivers Badge (wheeled), and Valorous Unit Award.

Sergeant First Class Carswell is married to his wife Christina and they have four children.  


Military Science Instructor- Sergeant First Class Corey Poindexter

Sergeant First Class Corey D. Poindexter l is a Military Science Instructor for Vanderbilt University Army ROTC. 

SFC Corey Poindexter was born in Brewton, Alabama, on May 20, 1991. He grew up in Evergreen, AL, and graduated from Hillcrest High School in 2009. He attended Alabama, University and Troy University from 2009-2010. He enlisted in the U.S. Army in May 2010 and attended One Station Unit Training as a 21B Combat Engineer in Fort Leonard Wood, MO.

SFC Poindexter has served in several positions, including Vehicle Driver, Team Leader, Squad Leader, Drill Sergeant, Senior Drill Sergeant and Platoon Sergeant. He is currently serving as a Military Science Instructor at Vanderbilt University

SFC Poindexter has completed two combat rotation to Afghanistan, and he has been stationed at Fort Campbell, KY, Fort Leonard Wood, MO, Fort Jackson, SC, Fort Bragg, NC, Nashville TN, and overseas at Fort Wainwright, AK

His military education includes Master Leader Course, Airborne School, Jumpmaster School, Common Faculty Development-Instructor Course, Senior Leaders Course, Equal Opportunity Leaders Course (EOL), Master Resilience Training (MRT), Drill Sergeant School, Engineer Explosive Ordnance Clearance Agent (EEOCA), Urban Mobility Breaching, Advanced Leader Course (ALC), Advanced Situational Awareness Basic (ASAB), Unit Prevention Leader Course (UPL), Dual Sensor Mine Detector, Combative Level 1&2, Air Assaults School and Basic Leader Course. He has completed 78 credit hours towards his Bachelor of Science of Religion.

His awards and decorations include the Meritorious Service Medal; Army Commendation Medal (5th Award); Army Achievement Medal (3rd Award); Meritorious Unit Commendation (2nd Award); Good Conduct Medal (4th Award); National Defense Service Medal; Afghanistan Campaign Medal; Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal; Global War on Terrorism Service Medal; Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development Ribbon (4th Award); Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Ribbon (2nd Award); NATO Medal; Certificates of Achievement (2nd Award); Drill Sergeant Identification Badge, Combat Action Badge, Senior Parachutist Badge; Air Assault Badge; Driver and Mechanic Badge, Expert Marksmanship Badge; the Engineer Steel Order of the DeFleury Medal and is a recipient of the Sergeant Audie Murphy Medallion.

SFC Poindexter is married to his devoted wife, Shanita Poindexter, for 9 years, and together, they have a seven-year old daughter, Briley Poindexter.


Mr Bautch

Mr. John Bautch

Mr. John Bautch is currently serving as the Scholarship & Enrollment Officer/Recruiting Operations Officer for Vanderbilt University AROTC, he can be reached by phone at (615) 343-7616 office, (615) 389-3247 cell or by email at  john.bautch@vanderbilt .edu.

 Mr. Bautch joined the “Go Gold” Battalion in March of 2020 after serving for nearly seven years as the Recruiting Operations Officer for the “Blue Raider” Battalion at Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro, TN.  Mr. Bautch has been with Cadet Command for over fifteen years as a Recruiting Operations Officer in government contractor and Department of the Army Civilian capacities.   After receiving his commission through Army ROTC at Fitchburg State University, he served as a Medical Service Corps officer on active and reserve duty for twenty-seven and a half years. During his career, he achieved the rank of Lieutenant Colonel (LTC).  He retired from uniformed service in January 2012.  Mr. Bautch’s total time in service to the Department of Defense and the US Army proudly spans over forty years.

Mr. Bautch’s duty positions include roles as a Battalion Commander, Brigade Executive Officer, Senior Staff Officer, Military Instructor, Company Commander, and Platoon Leader. Mr. Bautch served with distinction with the 82nd Airborne Division, Ft, Bragg, NC, 2d Infantry Division, Camp Casey, Korea, the 2d Armored Division, Ft Hood, TX, and 2d Army, Ft Jackson, SC. 

Mr. Bautch is a graduate of the Command and General Staff College, the AMEDD Center and School Basic and Advance Courses, Master Fitness Trainer Course, and US Army Airborne School.  Mr. Bautch earned his Masters of Arts in Management from Webster University and his Bachelor’s degree in English (Cum Laude) from Fitchburg State University.

Mr. Bautch’s military awards include the Bronze Star Medal, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (two awards), Army Commendation Medal (two awards), Army Achievement Medal (two awards), National Defense Service Medal (two awards), Afghanistan Campaign Medal w/Campaign Star, the NATO Afghanistan Service Medal, Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon (three awards), Armed Forces Reserve Medal with M Device (two awards), Army Reserve Component Achievement Medal (two awards), Expert Field Medical Badge and Master Parachutist Badge.


Mr. ThompsonMr. Darrell Thompson

Mr. Darrell Thompson is currently serving as the Human Resource Technician for Vanderbilt University AROTC, he can be reached by phone at (615) 343-7616 office, (615) 389-3247 cell or by email at

Mr. Thompson joined the “Go Gold” Battalion in May of 2018 after serving as the Marketing and Advertising Manager for 7th Brigade Army ROTC HQ.  Mr. Thompson has been with cadet Command for ten years since his retirement from active duty (US Army) with 21 years of service to his country. During his career, he achieved the rank of Master Sergeant (MSG). 

Mr. Thompson’s duty positions while on active duty included: Senior Military Science Instructor, Army ROTC (Tennessee Tech University), Platoon Sergeant, US Army Recruiter, TOW Anti-Tank Missile crew instructor, Equal Opportunity Officer, TOW Master Gunner Course Instructor, Squad Leader, and Track Vehicle Operator. Mr. Thompson’s assignments included 1/327th IN, and 1/502nd IN, Fort Campbell, KY, 2/29th IN, Fort Benning, GA, 1/503rd IN, Camp Casey Korea, 1/15th IN, Kitzingen, Germany, Iraq and Wichita, KS. 

Mr. Thompson, is a graduate of the Recruiting Operations Officers Course, Human Resources Assistant course, Advanced NCO Course, Equal Opportunity course, US Army Recruiting/Retention course, Basic NCO Course, Primary Leader Development course, TOW master Gunner course, Instructor Trainer Course, Master Fitness Course, US Army Airborne School, and US Army Air Assault School.  Mr. Thompson is a graduate of the University of Louisville with a Bachelor’s degree in education.  He is currently pursuing his Master’s in Organizational Development and Leadership.  

Mr. Thompson has been awarded the Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal; Army Commendation Medal; Army Achievement Medal; Army Good Conduct Medal; Recruiter Ring; National Defense Service Medal; Korean Defense Service Ribbon; Global War on Terrorism Medal; Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development Ribbon; Army Service Ribbon; Overseas Service Ribbon, Combat Infantry Badge (CIB) and earned the Expert Infantry Badge (EIB).

Mr. Thompson’s Civilian awards include the 2014 Brigade Civilian of the Year and the Commander’s Award for Civilian Service.


Mr. BradleyMr. Bruce D. Bradley

Mr.  Bradley is currently serving as the Supply Technician for Vanderbilt AROTC. He can be reached by phone at (615) 322-8556, or by email at

His previous assignments include Logistics Management Specialist, Logistics Management Specialist (Ammo), and Squad Leader, C Company, 1st Battalion, 3d US Infantry Regiment, The Old Guard (TOG). 

Mr. Bradley is a graduate from Ammo Hazmat Course, Six Sigma, Advance Noncommissioned Officer's Course, Basic Noncommissioned Officer's Course, Unit Supply Specialist Course, Primary Leadership Development Course, Unit Prevention Leader Course, Leadership Development Course, Airborne School, Jungle Survival Course, Ranger Indoctrination Program, Infantry Combat Basic Course. 

Additionally, he graduated with an Associate's Degree in Business from Calhoun College, and a Bachelor's Degree in Management Information Systems from Columbia College, Columbia MO.


walden photoMr. Kenneth Walden

Mr. Kenneth W. Walden is currently serving as the Administrative Assistant for Vanderbilt AROTC. He can be reached by phone at (615) 322-8550, or by email at

Mr. Walden joined the “Go Gold” Battalion as an Administrative Assistant in March of 1997 after his retirement from active duty military with 22 years of service to his country. During his career, he achieved the rank of Sergeant First Class (SFC). 

He began his career in the Army as an enlisted Soldier in the branch of Field Artillery and after his initial enlistment changed his branch to administration. SFC Walden entered the Army in 1975. He attended Basic Training at Fort Knox, Kentucky, and Advanced Individual Training at Fort Sill, Oklahoma.  

SFC Walden's assignments include Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, Fort Campbell, Kentucky; United States Army Detachment, Izmir, Turkey; Headquarters and Headquarters Company Division Support Command, Fort Campbell, Kentucky; Headquarters Company, 8th United States Army, Yongsan, Korea; 86th Evacuation Hospital, Fort Campbell, Kentucky; United States Army MEDDAC, Fort Campbell, Kentucky; 23rd Area Support Group, Camp Humphreys, Korea, and Vanderbilt University Army ROTC Detachment, Nashville, Tennessee.    

His military schooling includes the Inspector General Orientation Course; Advanced Noncommissioned Officer's Course; Senior Leadership Refresher Course; Primary Leadership Development Course; Battalion Training Management Course; SIDPERS Unit Level Training Course and Field Artillery Basic Course.

His awards and decorations include the Meritorious Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal 8th Oak Leaf Cluster, Army Achievement Medal 2nd Oak Leaf Cluster, and the Good Conduct Medal 7th Award.Mr. Kenneth Walde