Home > Data Modeling > Introducing Distribution
   Introducing Distribution

Introducing Distribution initiates students in concepts of distribution, sampling, and inference in two related contexts, measurement and natural variation. In the measurement context, distribution of measures emerges from differences among measurements. What emerges is the notion that although each measurement is not the same, the variation among measurements are structured. Students then are guided to account for structure by considering different sources of variation, including the nature of the measuring device and individual differences. These sources of variation link the activity of individual measurers to the aggregate structure of the collection of measurements. Students invent displays and indicators (statistics) of best guesses about true measure and precision of measure. These are intended as gentle introductions to statistics and to the qualities of display. The generality and utility of student inventions are tested in multiple batches of repeated measure data constructed by students. Tinkerplots is used as a tool that first accompanies paper-and-pencil and then replaces paper-and-pencil media. Sampling studies are conducted to explore sample-to-sample variation, and these studies form the backdrop to inference. What might happen if we measured again? Students conduct experiments with model rockets with rounded nosecones to create a reference distribution of measures of apogee. The reference distribution is used to locate, first, additional measures of apogee of rounded nosecones, and second, new measures of apogee of pointed nosecones. Can we infer that nosecones make a difference in light of sample-to-sample variation?

In the second context, students examine distributions of samples of Wisconsin Fast Plants during the life cycle of the plant. Does the distribution change, and if so, how and why? Experiments are again conducted (e.g., light, fertilizer levels), and students use distribution and sampling distribution to make inference about the effects of levels of light and fertilizer on plant growth.

   Design Principles & Big Ideas

The instructional sequence was constructed with several content and pedagogical principles in mind.

    Overview of the Measurement Strand
    Classroom Lessons
  • Measuring things

    Teacher Note: Body Measure and Flagpole Height are exchangeable. We generally recommend starting with Body Measure. Use Flagpole Height as an extension activity—Lesson 8 in the sequence. However, some teachers may prefer to begin with Flagpole Height, because it uses triangle trigonometry in a realistic, easily accessible situation.

  • Inventing Statistics: Center
  • Introducing Tinkerplots
  • Inventing Statistics: Spread
  • Measure Again, Better
  • Creating and Using Spinners
  • Model Error
Last Updated: May 9, 2006
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