Home > Investigating Growth of Organisms > Seeds


Inquiry & Experiimentation
Seed structures
Change over time
Conditions for Germination & Growth
Collecting data to explore typicality
Life cycles
Growth rate
Order and timing of events
Classroom Lessons
    Order and Timing of Events during Germination and Growth
    Big ideas

When different seeds germinate and begin to grow, there are similar features that can be observed across seed types. For example, for many seedlings, root hairs develop on the primary root. Other features and events differ across seed types. For example, the cotyledons of beans emerge from the soil during growth while the cotyledons of peas remain underground. Students explore the timing of events, such as, Does the root emerge before the shoot?

    Children's Way of Thinking
While students know that seeds sprout and grow into plants, they are not familiar with details of germination. They develop knowledge of the structures of the seed and developing embryo and illustrate this in sequences of drawings. They observe and learn about similarities and differences in the germination and early development of different kinds of seeds.
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Last Updated: February 17, 2005
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