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Multimedia Resources

The links below are supplemental resources that are relevant to the topics discussed in each module. These resources may be used to introduce relevant side topics, guide pre-lecture discussions, and/or complement the information from the lectures by providing examples and visuals. Short descriptions for each resource are written in the teacher guides. The lectures and teacher guides can be found under Modules.

Module 1: What is Risk?

YouTube Video: Hazard, Risk & Safety – Understanding Risk Assessment, Management and Perception

YouTube Video: Risk and How to Use a Matrix

Module 2: Risk Perception

SRA’s Let’s Talk Risk Podcast – Episode 8: Emotions Control Your Appetite for Risk

SRA’s Let’s Talk Risk Podcast – Episode 13: Facing Extreme Weather: How do YOU Prepare?

Module 3: Risk Communication

TED Talk: There is nothing natural about disaster | Rohini Swaminathan | TEDxPlaceDesNations

TED Talk: A secret weapon for true disaster resilience | Lucie Ozanne | TEDxChristchurch

TED Talk: Preparing for the Unexpected: Why Media Matters in Times of Disaster | Kirsty Cockburn | TEDxBristol

Module 4: Vulnerability

TED Talk: Be More Than a Bystander: Preparing Communities for Disaster | Elizabeth Hardister | TEDxUGA

YouTube Video: GFDRR: Reducing Vulnerability to Natural Hazards

YouTube Video: Cohesive Communities Create Resilience

Module 5: Probabilistic Risk Analysis

YouTube Video: Deterministic vs Probabilistic Model

YouTube Video: Risk and How to Use a Matrix

Module 6: Risk Management

YouTube Video: Integrated Approach to Disaster Risk Management: Prevent, Residual Risk Prepare, Respond, Recover

TED Talk: From disaster response to disaster prevention | Rachel Kyte | TEDxSendai (English)

TED Talk: A secret weapon for true disaster resilience | Lucie Ozanne | TEDxChristchurch

YouTube Video: Cohesive Communities Create Resilience

YouTube Video: RiskX: The risk management process

Module 7: Mitigation and Adaptation to Reduce Risk

YouTube Video: Integrated Approach to Disaster Risk Management: Prevent, Residual Risk Prepare, Respond, Recover

TED Talk: From disaster response to disaster prevention | Rachel Kyte | TEDxSendai (English)

TED Talk: Can we build disaster resilient communities? | Gregory Kopp | TEDxWesternU

TED Talk: Be More Than a Bystander: Preparing Communities for Disaster | Elizabeth Hardister | TEDxUGA