The Young lab occupies approximately 1150 sq. ft. in Olin Hall on the campus of Vanderbilt University. Out of this total, 600 sq. ft. comprises an analytical laboratory with Agilent GC-MS and HPLC systems. A 300 sq.-ft. tissue culture room is adjacent to the analytical lab, and a third 250 sq.-ft. equipment room contains shared resources including an autoclave, glassware washer, ice flaker, water purification system and ultralow temperature freezer. In addition to wet lab space, Prof. Young's office occupies 200 sq. ft. in Olin Hall near laboratories. Approximately 600 sq. ft. of adjacent office space is available for graduate students and other research personnel.
Young Laboratory
Major Equipment
Agilent 7890A/5975C GC-MS system, derivatization equipment required to prepare samples for GC-MS analysis, YSI 2300 glucose & lactate biochemical analyzer, Agilent 1200 HPLC system with multiple wavelength UV/Vis detector and automated fraction collector, two 6-ft. laminar flow hoods, one 4-ft. laminar flow hood, four CO2 incubators for animal cell culture, hypoxic chamber, osmometer, Cedex XS cell counter, inverted microscope, compound upright microscope (w/fluorescence and CCD camera), benchtop centrifuge, vacu- and microfuges, PCR thermal cycler, gel electrophoresis and imaging equipment, ultralow temperature freezer, fluorescence and UV/Vis absorbance plate readers, orbital shaker incubator, analytical and precision balances, heated water bath, refrigerators and freezers.
Shared access to autoclave, glassware washer, water purification system, ice flaker, ultracentrifuges, scintillation counter, darkroom, lyophilizer, X-ray film processor, dry ice, liquid nitrogen, confocal microscope, and qRT-PCR instrument.
Computational Resources
In addition to personal computers assigned to all lab personnel, the Young lab maintains a 20-node Linux cluster for high-performance research computations. The NIST05 mass spectral database as well as in-house packages for metabolic flux analysis and GC-MS data processing are key software resources.
Institutional Resources
The Young lab has access to the Vanderbilt Mass Spectrometry Research Center, which offers an array of GC-MS and LC-MS instruments that are made available to researchers on a fee-for-service basis. Several other research core facilities are available throughout the Vanderbilt University Medical Center for performing various genetic, biochemical and imaging analyses. Prof. Young is a member of the Vanderbilt Diabetes Research and Training Center, which involves approximately 100 participating faculty and numerous shared resources. Most notably, the Mouse Metabolic Phenotyping Center is one of only 7 such centers that have been established by the NIH as a resource to scientists who use mice to study diabetes, obesity, diabetic complications and other metabolic diseases.