Post-Master’s in Urogynecology

Vanderbilt University School of Nursing has started offering a post-master’s certificate in Urogynecology – a growing subspecialty among women’s health nurse practitioners.  This education focuses on pelvic floor dysfunction which can cause physical problems and affect quality of life.

“This is a wide open field as our population ages.  These issues can be quite complicated and it’s important for mid-level providers to thoroughly understand the options for patients,” said Amy Hull, MSN, WHNP-BC, APN, program coordinator.  “Relying on on-the-job training in this area just isn’t ideal.”

The VUSN program is a nine-hour credit course of study with a mix of traditional teaching, lab time and a 280-hour preceptorship.  The first class of students finished in December 2011.   VUSN leaders and Hull are working together to further enhance the program and possibly add more simulated learning experiences.