VUSN Technology

Vanderbilt University School of Nursing embraces technology to enhance the learning experience for today’s students and tomorrow’s practitioners and researchers.

Blackboard – A course management system for all students at Vanderbilt University.  Blackboard is where students log in to classes, submit assignments, learn about class announcements, take tests and even enter into live discussions.  On campus students, as well as distance learning students, use this “one-stop shop” portal.

Skype – A free web-conferencing system primarily used for one-on-one video calls.  The technology works computer-to-computer or computer-to-phone.  At VUSN, Skype is frequently used for instructor-student conferences, particularly between professors and distance learning students.

Scopia – A multi-person Web conference system that allows many individuals to conference in via a web camera and head set.  This is the most used conferencing system for group online classes at VUSN because all participants can see everyone on the call.  The technology was also recently used to support Vanderbilt University’s first PhD dissertation at a distance.

Simulation Lab – The School’s 10-bed simulation lab with computerized mannequins has a wide range of low, medium and high fidelity equipment.  It provides maximum hands-on time for students to practice their clinical skills with a detailed check-off system and comprehensive debriefing opportunities.

E-mails to Smartphones – Every year, VUSN sets up new students with e-mail accounts and Web mail accounts. That way, VUSN-related e-mails are sent directly to the students’ smartphones, and they receive the information without having to be near a laptop or desktop computer.