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Trauma Informed Care

*Visit the Appointments page to access the UCC’s trauma informed care services.*

Exposure to traumatic events can impact individuals to varying degrees. UCC clinicians work with students who have been exposed to traumatic events and determine treatment options that enhance their ability to cope effectively with traumatic events.

All UCC clinicians are equipped to help serve students whose lives have been impacted by trauma, and we have a smaller subset of clinicians who are prepared to assist students when immediate needs arise.

The model of care at the UCC for trauma exposure is based on guidelines set by the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. Long-term care for students impacted by trauma will include referrals to other campus resources or community professionals.

Examples of traumatic events include (but are not limited to):

  • Sexual assault (includes rape, sexual harassment, stalking, relationship violence)
  • Accidents
  • Being told you have a life-threatening illness
  • Violent personal assault, such as a physical attack, robbery, or mugging
  • Military combat
  • Natural or man-made disasters
  • Terrorist attack
  • Losing a loved one/bereavement

The immediate impact of events like these can be long lasting if the survivor does not receive effective support to regain stability and safety. UCC clinicians can assist students in providing a safe space and support with the personal impact of these events, some of which may include:

  • Recurring nightmares and/or memories of the event
  • Sleep difficulties
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Increase in anxiety or depressed mood

Relationship or academic difficulties


This page was last updated July 2023