Getting a Permit
How can I purchase a permit?
Permits are available for purchase online via the Parking Account page, where you'll easily follow prompts for registration. Please note that you will pay the full price for your permit if you purchase the permit any time between the first and last day of the month.
What information do I need to provide?
You'll need to enter vehicle details such as state of tag, license plate number, color, make, model, and year, along with your home address, email address, and telephone number.
How can I verify my permit purchase?
Upon completion of your purchase, a confirmation email will be sent to your Vanderbilt email address. You can then review your permit purchase and associated vehicles in your Parking Account.
When can I start using my permit?
The permit is effective immediately upon purchase, allowing you to park in your permitted area right away (even if the effective date for the Annual permit is September 1).
What if I need a refund or a cancellation?
VU Parking Services does not issue refunds for parking permits. Please read our full policy here before making your purchase.
What if two people have both purchased virtual permits, but also share the same two vehicles?
In such cases, the LPR system may encounter difficulty recognizing vehicles linked to multiple virtual permit accounts. To prevent confusion, it is advised to list each vehicle exclusively under one virtual permit. If both vehicles possess valid virtual permits, there is no need to list the vehicle on another account. However, if you need to register a second vehicle temporarily with your virtual permit, you can do so by visiting the online parking portal.
What if I have two vehicles listed on my virtual permit and another person brings the second vehicle on campus while I am already on campus with the first vehicle?
In such a scenario, if two vehicles are on campus under one permit, the LPR technology will identify both vehicles as invalid, subjecting all vehicles under the same virtual permit to citation. However, an exception exists: two vehicles listed under the same virtual permit may be on campus simultaneously if the second vehicle has purchased hourly parking.
Updating and Managing License Plates
How can I verify that the license number on record is correct?
You can verify the accuracy of the license number by accessing your parking account. During the purchase process, you'll be prompted to select your vehicles for the permit by checking the appropriate boxes. Additionally, you can add a vehicle by selecting "Add Vehicles to Permit" at the bottom of the page. To confirm the registered or linked vehicles, navigate to the "Permits" section at the top of your parking account. Here, your permit details will be listed, including the permit type purchased and other vehicles linked to the permit.
What if I get a new vehicle or a new license plate?
In the event of acquiring a new vehicle or obtaining a new license plate, it is vital to ensure that your vehicle information is up-to-date to prevent any unnecessary citations. Please promptly update your license plate information by accessing the online parking portal. Furthermore, it’s important to remove any old or unused vehicles from your account. For assistance with updating your information or removing vehicles, please contact Parking Services at 615-322-2554 or email
What if I have a brand new vehicle without a license plate?
If you have a brand new vehicle without a license plate, rest assured the LPR (License Plate Recognition) system is capable of recognizing such vehicles, even those without state-issued plates.
When registering your vehicle online, please enter the temporary paper license plate number provided. After receiving your DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) -issued license plates, you must return to the online parking portal to update your information to avoid any potential citations. Should you encounter any difficulties adding the new vehicle, please contact Parking Services at (615) 322-2554 or email to remove the previously registered vehicle from your account.
What happens if I enter my license plate incorrectly?
Accurate entry of your vehicle information is crucial. Entering incorrect information may result in a citation. It's essential to double-check your details before submission. If you realize an error, please promptly contact Parking Services at (615) 322-2554 or email to update your information.
What if I have a personalized plate or a special character/symbol type plate?
If your license plate is personalized with less than seven characters or includes special characters such as a heart or star, omit the special character and enter the remaining number of characters on the plate.
Please note that all letter "O"s should be entered as zeros, in order to maintain accuracy in the database. Should you have a custom plate with the letter "O"s, please notify Parking Services (615) 322-2554.
Will I receive a citation if my license plate is dirty or if I have a decorative cover?
As long as your license plates are legally compliant for driving, our LPR system will be capable of reading them without issuing a citation.
Parking Multiple and/or Temporary Vehicles
What do I do if I am driving a new/different vehicle, or own more than one vehicle?
If you find yourself driving a new or different vehicle, or if you own multiple vehicles, it’s easy to add them to your virtual permit.
- Visit the online parking portal to enter your new license plate information.
- Call Parking Services at 615-322-2554 or email to remove or edit any vehicle on your account; a maximum of eight (8) vehicles are allowed per permit.
Is it possible for two vehicles listed under the same virtual permit to be on campus simultaneously?
You are only allowed one vehicle on campus at a time under the same virtual permit. However, an exception applies: two vehicles listed under the same virtual permit may be on campus simultaneously if the second vehicle utilizes hourly paid parking.
How many vehicles can I register under the same virtual permit?
You’re permitted to register up to eight vehicles under the same virtual permit. After you have registered the maximum of eight vehicles, the system will no longer allow you to add more.
Does this include temporary loaner vehicles or rental cars?
Yes, it does. It is crucial to promptly contact Parking Services to deactivate vehicles from your account once your use of the temporary vehicle has concluded. Failure to remove the vehicle from your account may result in you being held responsible for any citations incurred on that vehicle.
Please be aware that upon request, rental car agencies can and do inform Parking Services of the individuals that have leased the rental vehicle in question.
How do I remove previous vehicles or update my parking account?
Please contact Parking Services 615-322-2554 or email
Getting a Virtual Permit
What are Virtual Permits?
Virtual Permits are a modern alternative to traditional parking decals or hang tags. They utilize your vehicle's license plate information to identify your parking authorization instead of physical permits.
How do I get a Virtual Permit?
To obtain a Virtual Permit, individuals must register their vehicle's license plate number into the parking software during the permit purchase process. The software will then generate a virtual permit assigned to that vehicle's license plate. You can purchase a virtual permit here.
How will my license plate information be used?
Your license plate information will be securely stored in our database and referenced solely for the purpose of verifying your Vanderbilt parking permit while on campus.
How long will my information be kept?
The license plate information you provide during the registration process will be retained permanently in our system, ensuring seamless and convenient parking management for you.
Can I park in any lot now that there are no hang tags or affixed decals?
No. All parking lot privileges remain the same and are based upon your permit type. Vehicles parking in areas on campus not associated with their virtual permit type will be subject to citation and/or towing.
Understanding License Plate Recognition (LPR)
What is License Plate Recognition?
License Plate Recognition (LPR) is a cutting-edge parking technology that utilizes cameras mounted on enforcement vehicles to scan and recognize license plates, eliminating the need for physical permits.
How does LPR work?
License Plate Recognition (LPR) technology operates by capturing the rear license plate of vehicles using cameras mounted on enforcement vehicles during patrol. Similar to a supermarket scanner, LPR reads your license plate and automatically references it against our database to verify if the vehicle has purchased a virtual permit for its location.
How does LPR make my life easier?
You no longer have to worry about:
- Displaying physical permits or transferring them between vehicles
- Dealing with lost or stolen permits, associated replacement fees, police reports, and administrative processing
- Remembering to display permits correctly, preventing issues like falling off rearview mirrors or improper display
- Contributing to environmental impact through reduced usage of paper, plastic, envelopes, and ink in permit production and distribution
What happens if my vehicle doesn't have a valid virtual permit or is linked to a different location?
If the license plate and vehicle information are not associated with a valid virtual permit or are linked to a permit for a different location than where the vehicle is parked, it will be subject to citation and/or towing.
Why does the University use LPR?
The implementation of License Plate Recognition (LPR) technology serves multiple purposes, benefiting both our university and our community:
- Parking Efficiency: LPR boosts parking management efficiency by automating permit verification, reducing congestion, and improving overall operations. It also makes it much quicker and hassle-free for our community to park correctly.
- Technological Advantages: LPR streamlines processes for users through virtual permits tied to license plates, enhancing accuracy and convenience.
- Environmental Sustainability: By eliminating physical permits, LPR significantly reduces paper and plastic waste, aligning with the university's commitment to environmental stewardship.
Knowing Where to Park
Can I park in the dirt or grass?
No, parking is only permitted in areas that are designated and marked for parking.
Can I park in reserved areas?
Parking in reserved areas is only allowed if you have purchased the designated reserved virtual permit for that specific area.
Other Questions
If I have a disability, how do I park using virtual permits?
If a disability placard is obtained, you must display it appropriately according to state laws. You must also purchase a permit for the area you qualify for.
What is "Nose-in" parking and why is it required?
"Nose-in" parking requires your vehicle to be parked with the license plate visible from the driving lane. Our LPR cameras scan license plates to verify valid permits. If you "back-in" or "pull through to the space in front of you", your license plate will not be visible, resulting in a citation being issued.
Why didn't I receive a warning prior to getting a citation?
All lots have visible signage indicating the permit requirements. It is your responsibility to ensure compliance with parking regulations.
How will I be notified about my received citation?
Paper citations will still be placed on your vehicle windshield. You can also view your citation(s) through your online parking portal.
How frequently will parking lots be patrolled with the LPR technology?
Parking lots will be patrolled multiple times daily using LPR technology, ensuring consistent enforcement. In addition, traditional parking enforcement (e.g. enforcement team on foot) will continue to monitor Parking Garages, pay spaces, reserved spaces and disability spaces.